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Her heart hammered against her ribcage as she sat in the opening of the train wagon, her legs dangling in the air as they travelled further into Chicago. Lilith hadn't been able to stop thinking about what Eric was planning during the whole day, her cheeks gaining a red tint whenever she spent too long thinking about it. He hadn't asked her to keep it a secret, but the brunette had still assumed that this was yet another thing that people wouldn't be too happy about, so she'd kept it to herself, only feeling bad when she told Nate that she couldn't practice with him. Besides, if this got to Peter's ears, it would be almost impossible to prove that his accusations were wrong.

She'd denied Rita's request to return with her to the tattoo parlour after dinner, making the blonde girl pout for a few brief seconds, before she was able to convince Jonathan and Lynn to tag along with her. As incentive, Lilith had promised to give her her dessert for the next two weeks if she rounded up the courage to ask out Lavinia, to which Rita had rolled her eyes. After making sure that she'd gotten rid of all the people who would wonder about her whereabouts, Lilith had rushed to the dorm to grab a jacket and hastily made her up to the train tracks.

Eric had already been waiting for her, his hands shoved in the pockets of his own jacket as his gaze was pinned on the tracks. Once he'd heard the door closing behind her, he'd faced her and given her a small smile, Lilith's cheeks instantly warming up at the unusual greeting. Her whole body still ached from her combat with Edward, but the girl ignored Eric's attempt to help her into the train wagon when it was finally time to jump, pushing herself inside with a hiss escaping her lips. When she'd looked at herself in the mirror, that morning, she'd noticed that her ribs were severely bruised, but the swelling around her eye had grown smaller, allowing her to finally see out of both eyes normally. Even with her injuries, she'd managed to defeat her opponent in that day's combat, and she'd even had a small competition with Christina when they did knife throwing.

"Get ready to jump," the leader's voice interrupted her train of thought, and she looked up to where he was leaning against the wall, her heart hammering in her chest.

"Can you tell me where we're going, now?" she questioned, as she pushed herself to her feet. Her brown eyes moved to Eric once more as she dusted off her pants, raising her eyebrows as she waited for a response. However, the only thing she received was yet another smirk, and she rolled her eyes, before turning to opening, "Let me know when."

A few more seconds went by before Eric told her it was officially time to jump off, and the pair leaped from the wagon at the same time, both of them firmly landing on the platform next to tracks. The impact caused a sharp pain to sear through Lilith's bruised ribs, and the brunette placed a hand over it, gritting her teeth as she looked at her companion for an indication of where to go next. 

Eric gestured at her to walk with him, and they made their way down the street. The silence made it clear to the girl that wherever they were, it was an abandoned part of the town. The buildings were severely neglected, most with broken windows and grafitti covering the walls. Lilith wondered if the Dauntless escaped to this area often. A cold breeze blew through the street, and she paused for a few seconds to zip up her jacket, taking the chance to look around. She soon spotted a sign nearby, and her eyes narrowed in confusion, "We're in Michigan Avenue?"

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