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"I regret," Tris cut herself off abruptly, her eyes finding Four as he stood among the rest of them. The interrogations were taking their time, but all of them had sucessfully proved their innocence that far. The last person to be injected with the truth serum had been the blonde girl, and even if Lilith knew most of what had happened to the other girl on the day of the attack, she still held onto her friend's every word. Tris seemed to struggle, before a choked sound left her lips, "Will. I shot Will, while he was under the simulation," mutters were heard from every corner of the room, but the brunette payed them no mind as her attention shifted to Christina.

The dark skinned girl's jaw had dropped, her hands forming fists on her sides as her eyes were pinned on Tris. Lilith's own heart hammered against her chest as the revelation settled in. That was what Tris had been hiding ever since that day. She could only imagine the unbearable guilt that the other girl was carrying on her shoulders. Hell, she hadn't been the one pulling the trigger and ending Siobhan's life, and she still felt like she'd been responsable. Tris probably felt a thousand times as bad, and the fact that she'd chosen to deal with it alone had undoubtedly made it worse.

"I killed him," Tris spoke again, her voice hoarse, "He was going to kill me, but I killed him. My friend."

Her chin wobbled when the crowd responded, "Thank you for your honesty."

Just like that, Tris too had been cleared of all charges. The Candor and the Dauntless soldiers started filing out of the room, most of their friends included. However, Lilith's eyes stayed on Tris as she slowly got up from the chair on the center of the room, her movements uncertain as the effects of the serum wore off. 

Lilith had been left alone to deal with Siobhan's passing.

She wouldn't let the same happen to Tris.

But Lilith hadn't been the only one staying behind, and the blonde's gaze was pinned to Christina as the other girl remained rooted to the same spot, her body shaking and her features contorted in what Lilith knew was anger. Both of them were struggling with Will's fate, and Lilith's stomach churned as she realized that she had been in their shoes, both feeling guilt for the death of a close friend and furious at the person who had pulled the trigger. It had been the hardest thing she'd ever gone through, and she wanted nothing more than to support her friends as they faced it themselves.

"Christina," Tris broke the silence, as she took a few hesitant steps towards the girl, "He... he had a gun. He was about to shoot me. He was under the simulation. I-"

"You killed him," Christina's tone was accusatory as she finally faced the blonde. Every other word that Tris could have to say seemed to evaporate, and she just stood there, furrowing her eyebrows as tears threatened to spill. At her lack of response, Christina shook her head, before turning around and making her way out of the room. Lilith watched as she was joined by her sister, the two of them disappearing into the sea of black and white. 

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