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The door slammed shut behind Lilith as she exited her house, her white bag hanging from her left shoulder and her right hand in the pocket of her black jacket. She bit her lower lip as her eyes surveilled the street, her mind miles away from where she stood. It was a rather important day, one that would tell her if her long made decision of transferring to the faction of the brave was indeed the right one.

Then again, the test results didn't really matter, not when the final choice was up to her. Unlike her best friends, Christina Marshall and Reyna Sigworth, who had been fretting over the test during the last week, Lilith was comforted by the fact that, to her, it was just a way to see if she was compatible with Dauntless. Even if she wasn't, her choice had been made years ago, and she would make it work.

Heaving out a sigh, the brunette stepped away from her house, glancing at the empty driveway as she exited the front yard. Her mother, Adelia, often left the house early to join Candor's representative, Jack Kang, at the faction's headquarters. Usually, Lilith would have the company of her younger half brother, Scott, during the walk to school, but the boy had stayed the night at his father's house and was, therefore, getting a ride to school from him. The man had offered to stop by the Ovard house to pick her up but, just like all the other times, she had shaken her head at the offer, before retreating into her room.

The hardest thing about leaving Candor would be leaving Scott. They had a closer relationship than most siblings she knew; after all, Lilith had pretty much raised him, when her mother was too mentally unstable to do it. Of course, she had the help of her older sister, Hortense, but she'd left their faction when Lilith was only thirteen. It had been Scott and her for the past five years, and she dreaded to think of how her brother would feel, when she left.

"Hey!" a voice called out from behind her, as she made way down the sidewalk. She instantly recognized the voice as her next door neighbour's, instantly rolling her eyes. Quickening her pace, she hoped that he would catch the hint, but he called out again, "Hey! Lilith! Wait up!"

Telling herself that this was the last day she would have to put up with this, she stopped for a few seconds, her fingers gripping the strap of her bag tightly as she waited for the boy to catch up to her. The only emotion she ever felt around Peter Hayes was annoyance. He hadn't even reached her yet, and she already wanted the walk to school to be over. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Peter finally reached her side and, without another word, she started walking down the street once more. Lilith didn't need to look at him to know that he was wearing his usual arrogant grin, a feature that only made her even more peeved by his presence.

"Morning," he greeted, pulling a pack of cigarettes from the inside pocket of his white blazer.

"Hey," she offered him a tight-lipped smile, before her attention turned back to the street in front of them. 

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