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Sweat coated Lilith's skin as she made her way inside of the Dauntless compound, silently closing the door behind her. It was well past midnight, and the Pit was mostly empty, despite for a few groups of intoxicated individuals who didn't seem to notice her. She'd figured out that it was actually pretty easy to sneak out on her second night there, seeing as there was no one guarding the exits and the paths that led to them were deserted, more often than not.

The streets were also empty whenever she stepped outside, and the brunette took full advantage of that to explore the area as she jogged. Back in the Candor section, there had been a park that she often enjoyed venturing into, running through the trees until she found the tallest one. It had become a habit for her to climb it and, whenever she made it on time, she could watch the train as it passed. On some special nights, she also heard the Dauntless yelling as they jumped off. Now, she was training to become one of them.

Despite being slightly sore from the past few days of training, that still didn't stop her from running until her calves burned and her skin was dripping with sweat. It calmed her down and it helped her think, and she did have a lot to think about. Homesickness had started to take over her and, as much as she tried to push it away from her mind, it was still there. She wondered how Scott was doing, if he was crying the same way that she had when Hortense had left. Her eyes travelled to the flower pattern now engraved in her arm. Had Hortense cried after leaving?

She hadn't realized that she was walking through the corridor that led to the training room until she heard the door closing, a few feet ahead of her. Letting out a curse word, she pressed herself against the wall, praying that whoever was coming out of it didn't see her. After a few seconds, she heard the person's steps as they walked in the opposite direction, towards the dorm. Furrowing her eyebrows, Lilith finally stepped away from the wall and tried to get a good look at whoever it was. The golden hair and scrawny figure were enough for her to recognize Nate. The lights also allowed her to see his bloody knuckles, and the dots connected in her head instantly.

"So that's how you got good so quickly," she called out, closing the distance between them.

Nate froze, before looking over his shoulder at her. He was quick to relax as she shot him a smirk, "Oh, it's you," a chuckle left his lips, "Scared the crap out of me."

"Why? It's not like you're breaking any rules."

"It's usually really quiet here, at this hour. Unless someone else has the same idea as me, but people are usually here earlier," he shrugged his shoulders. His eyes narrowed as he noticed the state Lilith was in, "But you sure seem to want to get in trouble. Were you outside?"

She hesitated for a few seconds, but gave the former Amity boy a nod, "Just a little harmless jog."

"Eric would skin you alive, if he knew."

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