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They'd only had a few more minutes to eat their breakfast, before Four had risen from his seat and told the transfers to follow him. The group had formed a wall around Tris as they left the dining hall, and Lilith had spotted Peter rolling his eyes at them, which prompted her to give him the coldest glare she could muster. Every time Peter did something bad, she thought she couldn't hate him any more; yet, the boy always proved that theory wrong, and Lilith was past the point of having hope that he wouldn't stoop to the lowest levels.

Their instructor had guided them to the building above the Pit, and Lilith had done her best to pretend like she hadn't been there before, mirrowing Will's confused expression as they made their way to a room with grafitti covering the walls, that smelled slightly of mold. Nate's face had twisted in disgust as he came to a stop, and Lilith's nose twitched as she attempted to figure out why they were all the way up there, when their training so far had been happening underground.

Once the group had quieted down, Four had cleared his throat and explained the next phase of their training, one that was supposed to join their physical and psychological assets in an evaluation of their mental attributes. Lilith had managed to hold her own pretty well during the second stage of initiation, even if she hadn't done as well as she'd hoped for. With stage three bringing their psysical abilities to the mix, she had a higher chance of finally reaching the first place in the rankings. Or, at least, she hoped so.

Four had been done with explaining things pretty quickly, and had dismissed them after that, advising them to take the next week to think about their fears and ways to face them. The test in the fear landscape, as he had called it, would be done in front of the Dauntless leaders, which had only made Lilith want to work harder to cause a good impression. Most of the leaders gave her a bad feeling, but that didn't mean she shouldn't want to impress them. They were the ones who would decide her future at her new faction, no matter how sketchy they seemed to be. She was pretty sure she didn't need to convince Eric, as he already seemed to think she was one the best, that year. The remaining leaders, however, probably didn't even know her name.

But they would.

The rest of their group had stuck with Tris as they went back to the Pit, but Lilith had decided to wander off on her own for the rest of the morning. Unsurprisingly, the girl found herself at the tattoo parlour once more. She'd been flipping through the several drawings for a few minutes when Rita entered the space with a confident stride, heading in Lavinia's direction instantly. Lilith immediately straightened up, hoping that her friend had finally gathered enough courage to ask out her crush. However, Rita stopped just before she reached Lavinia, clenching her fists, before she turned back and ran out of the parlour. Shaking her head, Lilith had turned back to the tattoo sketches.

"Fancy meeting you here."

She didn't have to look to the side to know that it was Eric standing beside her, and the fact that her heart immediately started pounding made her silently curse herself. After chewing the inside of her cheek for a few seconds, she flipped the page to take a look at the next sketch, "What do you want?"

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