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Mutters filled the Dauntless dorm as everyone waited for the meeting that Tori Wu had set up on the previous day to begin.

Lilith had chosen to stay near the back of the crowd, her side leaning against the steps of one of the many bunk beds Candor had provided for them. Still, it seemed like everyone was making a special effort to find her and come to congratulate her about killing Max, even if just by squeezing her shoulder or clapping her in the back. While that was a relief, the guilt about Shauna getting shot was still heavy on her mind.

Lynn's punches had left their mark. Lilith's face hadn't been as bruised since the first stage of Initiation, and she could say she hadn't missed it. Even opening her mouth to talk made the right side of her face burn, and her jaw ached on the spot where Lynn's knuckles had clashed against it. Eric had looked at her worriedly when he'd first laid eyes on her, when he'd entered the room to attend the meeting, but he hadn't asked anything. He'd just settled on one of the beds next to Granger, and the two had been mumbling between themselves ever since.

Honestly, it was a relief.

"Okay," Tori's voice echoed, when the two soldiers that had been tasked with locking the door returned to the group, "What were the terms?"

Her eyes were on Four as she asked the question, but the look on his face made it evident to Lilith that his mind was miles away from the meeting. 

Tris replied, after a few seconds, "There were three," she gazed at Lilith.

"Which were?" Tori raised her eyebrows, looking between the two girls.

"Return Eric and Rhiannon to Erudite," Lilith answered, raising up her index finger. Then, she rose the next one, "Deliver all of the Divergent to their headquarters and, last but not least, give them the names of everyone who didn't get shot with the needle things when they attacked this building."

"Okay," the woman nodded her head, a thoughtful look on her face, "Well, if Jack Kang is making deals with the Erudite, we can't stay here. Where can we go?"

To that question, no one seemed to have an answer. They couldn't stay, because they couldn't count on Jack to keep them safe any longer. Amity was also out of the question. Not only would Johanna most likely not allow it, but they'd done enough damage there before. Abnegation was in ruins, and the Factionless were swarming with refugees as it was. As much as she racked her brain, Lilith couldn't think of a place that would be safe for all of them. Her eyes found Eric's, and instantly, she knew what he was thinking. 

The Dauntless compound. 

It could be only her feelings talking but, even if just for a second, she didn't consider it a terrible idea. They knew the area, they could do whatever they wanted, they'd be more prepared in case of an attack... it made sense. Or it would have made sense, if the place wasn't crawling with cameras on every corner. 

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