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The morning sun casted a glow over the city of Chicago the next morning, when Lilith finished climbing the girders under the bridge where the meeting would be taking place. Thankfully, it wasn't in a position where it would blind her or stop her from being able to see what happened above them; if anything, it would make it so that the Dauntless traitors and Jeanine's representatives would have a harder time spotting them.

Beside her, Lynn, Shauna, Tris and Four settled into place as well. As they all sat there, crammed against eachother, Lilith realized that it hadn't been a good idea for everyone to come along, as they were all squeezed in a tight spot. Pressing her lips together, she shuffled until one of her legs was dangling from the edge. Maybe it was dangerous, but at least it didn't feel as suffocating. Her eyes moved to the building where Uriah was supposed to be in, ready to cover for them, if need be. A quick reflexion told her that the boy was in place.

All that was left to do was wait.

They'd gotten there half an hour before seven, to assure that they would have enough time to hide themselves before either Candor or Erudite arrived. The thought that there could be patrols making sure that the area was secure had crossed Lilith's mind as they walked to the bridge but, thankfully, there hadn't been a single soul in sight when they'd gotten there. Maybe it was because the bridge was in neutral ground, not belonging to any faction. Or maybe they just hadn't thought that people would show up. For all intents and purposes, Jack had kept the meeting a secret.

Footsteps echoed over their heads, and Lilith pulled her leg up, gesturing at the others to keep quiet. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to recognize anyone through the holes in the steel above her head, but it was useless; all she saw was the bottom of their shoes. Her hand hovered over the pistol at her hips as the footsteps faded, and they all collectively flinched as the ear pieces they were wearing released a loud static noise. 

She really should have told Bud how to turn those things on.

"Hello, Jack," a voice said.

They looked at eachother in confusion, the voice familiar to all of them. It was Max, the leader of Dauntless who seemed to be the most entangled in this whole situation with the Erudite. Of course he'd be Jeanine's representative. Lilith half wanted to smack herself for not realizing it sooner.

There was a pause, before Jack replied, "Max. Where's Jeanine? I thought she would at least have the courtesy to show up herself."

"Jeanine, Enzo and I divide our resposibilities according to our strenghts. That means Enzo and I make all the military decisions," he said. Lilith had almost forgotten about goddamned Enzo and his psychotic grin. She shivered as Max continued, "I believe that includes what we are doing today."

Lilith couldn't hold back her curiosity. Slowly and carefully, she planted both feet on the girder, before wrapping her hands around the edge of the bridge. Using all the strenght she possessed in her arms, she pulled herself up until she had a view of where the two groups where meeting, several feet in front of where they were. Though she couldn't see everyone on Erudite's side, Max seemed to be the only one at the very front. Enzo wasn't present.

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