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The first phase of their training had finished and, with that, Visiting Day had arrived. Lilith had been looking forward to it since the previous week, wanting nothing more than to see Scott once again, for what could very well be the last time. She hadn't really considered that perhaps she wouldn't have any visitors, not until Tris had confessed that she feared that her own parents wouldn't show up. Ever since that conversation, Lilith's heart rate accelerated whenever she thought about it, but instead of being filled with excitement, the brunette was filled with dread and fear.

Eric hadn't been much helpful, either. He had walked into their dorm when they were finishing getting ready, breaking the silent atmosphere with words of warning about not appearing too attached to their visitors, if they even had any. Lilith hadn't been facing him as she rolled her eyes, zipping up the black leather jacket Siobhan had given her a few days prior. The words leaving the leader's mouth seemed like previously memorized Dauntless propaganda, and she highly doubted that Eric had such negative feelings about that day, but it wasn't like she could go up to him and ask. Hell, after their escapade two nights before, Lilith didn't even know if she could approach him in the same way that she used to.

She still had half an hour before the visitors were supposed to arrive, and so she decided to make her way to the dining hall and get herself something to eat. Her eyes searched the table for someone she could sit with, but she found no one. The only other people present were Dauntless members way older than her, and her features immediately twisted into a frown when she briefly met Max's eyes. There was something about him that unsettled her ever since Granger had revealed his orders when it came to Erudite receiving more resources, and so she instantly looked away. 

Someone clasped their hand over her shoulder, and Lilith looked to the side to see Nate smiling down at her, "Come on. You can sit with me."

She weakly returned the blond boy's smile before following him to an empty table, both of them sitting down opposite eachother. Lilith's anxiety grew with every second that passed, and her eyes drifted to the clock on the wall. Twenty more minutes and the families would start arriving. Twenty more minutes and she'd know if her mother had cared enough about her to come and see her. Twenty more minutes until her possible reunion with Scott. Trying to convince herself that her family would be there, like they had been for Hortense, years before, she reached out for a muffin on the tray in front of her. Nate had piled several pieces of toast in front of him, and he had already digged through two of them, his blue eyes shining with glee.

"You're not..." the word scared almost fell from her lips, but she cut herself off before it could, "... nervous?"

Nate furrowed his eyebrows, "About what?"

"Visiting Day," she replied, bringing up the muffin to her mouth and taking a bite, "Aren't you worried about your family not coming?"

The blond gave her a small smile, shrugging his shoulders as he swallowed the food in his mouth, "They're coming."

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