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Her nose hadn't ended up broken, and Lilith felt proud of herself for having corrected one of her mistakes in combat. However, there was a dark bruise around her left eye and her shoulder burned when she moved it around too much. The brunette had managed to land a few hits on Nate as well, the smile on her lips growing as she glanced at the dark spot on his jaw. She had a feeling that the golden haired boy had held back a little as they trained, but it was still the most ruthless combat she had been in, that far.

The fresh morning air collided with them as they exited the compound, a few minutes before they were supposed to get on the train that would take them to the fence. The Dauntless born iniciates milled around, Rita even giving her a wave when she spotted her. Much like Siobhan had told her, Granger stood with Four near the train tracks, both males smiling as they spoke to eachother. Granger seemed to get along with everyone, Lilith had noticed.

"I wonder if we're going anywhere near the Amity farms," Nate said, folding his arms over his chest. They stood a few feet behind Four and Granger, with most of the other iniciates somewhere behind them. Lilith had noticed the questioning looks coming from Peter, but she'd decided to ignore them. His attitude had messed enough with her on the previous day.

Just as she opened her mouth to reply, Will approached them, "We are," he revealed, coming to stand on the brunette's other side, "The farms are further away from the city, though. The tracks only go up to one of the gates, and the Amity who work there have to travel there by truck."

"Oh, I think I know which gate we're headed to, now," Nate nodded his head, slightly furrowing his eyebrows. Lilith wondered if he missed home, too.

Will turned to her, "Have you seen Christina and Tris?"

"Nope," the girl shook her head, "I left the dorm a while ago, both of them were still there, and that was the last time I saw them," she paused, "Wait, did Tris go back to the dorm on her own, last night?"

"Apparently," the former Erudite chuckled.

The train horn blared in the distance, Lilith's eyes drifting to it as the vehicle approached the Dauntless compound at an impressive speed. She couldn't deny the fact that she was eager to jump into one of the wagons once again and feel the thrill that she had felt on her first day. Four looked over his shoulder at the iniciates, before he and Granger stepped aside, the former gesturing at them to go ahead.

Being the ones at the very front of the group, Lilith and Nate were the first to hoist themselves into the car, easily maintaining their balance. The remaining teenagers all pulled themselves in with different degrees of success, and the brunette found herself watching the Dauntless borns. They appeared to be in a much better state than the transfers, a higher number of them effortlessly entering the wagon, but some of them had awful looking bruises and gashes all over their bodies. She supposed that, even if they had been born there, not all of them did as well as it would be expected.

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