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The next morning, when Lilith found herself waking up in Eric's bed, she wasn't flooded with anxiety. This time, she remembered everything that had happened on the previous night, and even if they'd had most of the whiskey, they hadn't been as intoxicated. The brunette just stayed in bed for a few minutes, recalling how they'd hung out in the roof until the wind started to pick up, and then made it to the apartment, where they'd simply talked and kissed for a while until they both agreed it was time to go to sleep. Even if she wouldn't have minded doing more than that, it was refreshing to be with someone who didn't seem to be interested in her body only. It made her feel giddy.

Eric had been the first one to get up, that morning, and the clatter of pots and pans coming from the kitchen, plus the heavenly smell that floated in the apartment, finally encouraged Lilith to get up, stretching her arms over her head and letting out a yawn. It was barely eight in the morning, and they'd only gotten five hours of sleep, but she felt more rested than she had in a long time. The shirt Eric had let her borrow to spend the night was quite a few sizes too big, but she didn't mind, keeping it on as she left the bedroom and walked to where Eric was cooking them breakfast.

"Hey," she greeted, in between yawns, as she reached the stove. She wrapped an arm around Eric's back, prompting him to wrap his around her shoulders.Her eyes drifted to the pan, "Are those scrambled eggs? With cheese?"

"Yeah," he mumbled in response.

His tone didn't match the way he'd been acting on the previous night, and the girl's eyebrows were furrowed as she looked up at him. He didn't meet her eyes, seeming focused on moving their breakfast around in the frying pan with the wooden spatula, but there was something in his features that made him seem concerned. Lilith wondered if he was secong guessing whatever it was that they were doing, if he thought that maybe their current relationship wasn't a good idea. They didn't owe satisfactions to anyone anymore, but maybe Eric wasn't as interested as he seemed.

"What's up?" she finally asked, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she waited for an answer. If he'd heard her, he had ignored the question, for he didn't move in the slightest nor did he make an effort to respond. However, if there was something that Lilith didn't have patience for, that was mixed signals. She reached for the spatula in Eric's hands, ripping it from his grasp and taking a step backwards, "Look at me."

He didn't move, "I need that to finish breakfast."

"Yeah?" her lips twisted in a challenging smirk, "Well, come get it."

The last thing she heard was a heavy sigh leaving Eric's lips before she ran off, the spatula gripped tightly in her hand as she reached the living room. She wasn't sure if her idea would work, or even if Eric would take the bait and come after her, but her fears soon disappeared as he too abandoned the stove, coming to stand on the other side of the couch with a raised eyebrow. The apartment wasn't too big, so there weren't too many places for Lilith to run off to, but she still managed to make it back to the bedroom with Eric hot on her heels. A squeal left her mouth when he almost grabbed her shirt as she made it back to the living room and, for the first time that morning, Eric laughed. 

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