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After two days in the Factionless safehouse, they finally agreed that it was safe enough for them to leave.

According to Edward, those who were Dauntless and hadn't chosen to becomes allies to the Erudite had found refuge within Candor, after the attack had been interrupted. He didn't seem to know who exactly was staying there, but Lilith had high hopes that her friends had made it. None of them seemed to be the type to support Erudite's deeds and join their forces, and she really didn't want to consider that some of them could have perished in Abnegation. Losing Siobhan had been enough.

Caleb had caught wind that some of his former faction's refugees were staying in one of other Factionless safehouses, and he'd made the decision to go see how they were doing, promising to join them again as soon as he could. Lilith could tell that Tris had been slightly hesitant when it came to letting him go, but she hadn't said anything against it as she hugged him goodbye. Reyna, despite not belonging to the Dauntless or the Candor, had tagged along, the reasoning for it being that she wanted to see her family once again. Needless to say that both her and Lilith longed to find Christina as well.

The sight of the Candor headquarters was a welcome one, as much as Lilith hated to admit it.

She came to a stop a few feet away from the door, licking her lips as she craned her neck to look at the top of the building. If the Candor had been living their lives as usual, her mother and Oswald Payton were somewhere inside, in their respective offices, both of them ignorant to the fact that she was downstairs. Lilith wasn't close-knit with her mother, and even less so with her stepfather, but knowing that they were there and that they would most likely find allies in them was reassuring. The situation had every reason to go right. Still, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was bound to go wrong.

"Once we go in there, we can't go back," she finally said, looking at the reflection of the rest of their group on the glass doors. She clenched her fists, "Ready?"

Four was the only one to move, even if just to nod his head, "Let's go."

As soon as Lilith entered the lobby, the chatter of the sea of Dauntless grouped inside the building invaded her ears. It sounded like the Pit, and she wondered if she could pretend that it was, if she closed her eyes. But there was no time for that. As the rest of the group followed her example and entered the Candor headquarters, Lilith took a few steps further into the building, searching the crowd for anyone she knew. However, no one from Initiation seemed to be close by, if they were even there. Before she could make her way through the crowd to continue her search, a towering figure appeared in front of her, and the barrel of a gun aimed at her forehead.

"Identify yourselves," the girl said, the gun firm in her hands as she scanned the rest of them. One of her arms was nestled in a sling, and Lilith couldn't help but compare her flaming red hair to the flames that had burned when she'd picked Dauntless. 

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