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The first night at the dorm was, for a lack of better wording, stressful. Lilith had decided not to explore the possibility of sneaking out right away; after all, running with the Dauntless and then jumping into and from a moving train was probably enough exercise for one day. She'd simply changed into the clothes that had been left in the room for them, occupied the bed next to Christina's, and done her best to fall asleep. However, that proved to be harder than she thought, for one of the iniciates was sobbing. Lilith didn't have it in her to tell whoever it was to shut up, and she eventually drifted off.

"Statistically speaking, it's very likely that most of the top eleven will be Dauntless borns," a boy by the name of Will, who Christina had introduced her to in the dorm, said, as the three of them made their way through the Pit in order to get to the dining hall. Lilith rolled her eyes as he kept speaking, "They're used to this, they have eighteen whole years of experince. We have one day."

"That's only making me doubt myself even more, Will," Christina grimaced.

"So you want me to lie?" Will questioned, raising his dark eyebrows.

"We just want you to stop talking about statistics," Lilith replied, as they finally entered the dining hall. Despite still having a while until it was time for their training to start, most of the iniciates were having breakfast already. Her eyes scanned over the crowd, and she found Siobhan sitting at the same table as the previous day, with both Granger and Eric. The brunette quickly turned away from them, hoping that they hadn't seen her, and kept talking to Will, "You don't have to show everyone how big your brain is, now."

"I'm not-"

"You are," Christina interrupted, with a giggle.

A whistle suddenly echoed through the room, and Lilith glanced over her shoulder, clenching her jaw when she saw Granger waving her over. She was about to shake her head at the blond and gesture at Will and Christina, to let him know that she was planning on sticking with her friends, but Christina gently shoved her towards the table, with a smile on her lips.

"Go," she said, "We'll see you in the training room."

"Come with me?"

The other two exchanged a surprise glance and, after a few seconds, Will nodded his head. The trio made their way to the table where Lilith's most recent acquaintances were enjoying their breakfast, Siobhan instantly giving all of them a smile as she gestured at them to sit down. Cursing to herself, Lilith occupied the seat on Eric's right, seeing as neither Christina or Will seemed to want to do it.

"I'm Siobhan," the dauntless born began, adressing the two newcomers with a grin, "This is Granger, and you've already met Eric."

"I'm Christina."


"So, should we invite all the other iniciates to sit with us, when it's time for lunch?" Eric raised his eyebrows at his best friend, though Siobhan was the one who shifted in her seat. The leader's grip tightened around the mug in front of him, "Might have to rearrange the dining hall, if you're planning on pitying every transfer, Siobhan."

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