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The antecipation was terrible.

They'd been back at the Dauntless for two days now, and the lack of action made Lilith feel extremely uneasy. Sure, it was better than having to fight for their lives and worrying every second of the day, but she couldn't help but feel that, while they pretended to be safe in their little hole in the ground, Erudite was planning something. Tori and her had handpicked a few small teams to go into the city and bring back information about what was happening, but they always returned with absolutely nothing.

The only productive thing she'd managed to get done had been travelling with Nate and Christina all the way to Amity, to personally talk to Johanna and arrange a meeting point where teams could go and obtain fresh food every two days. The woman hadn't been keen to agree, the instinct to protect her faction struggling against how much she wanted to help, but Lilith had convinced her with the suggestion that they'd meet up on the abandoned part of town, where the Erudite didn't seem to want to set foot in.

Outside of that, she'd been looking into the suspicious deaths that Four had mentioned to Jack Kang, after the attack at the Merciless Mart. There were a lot of them, all pertaining to individuals with very high scores in the second stage of Initiation. Most were accidents that no one would bother investigating, like a fall from the top of a roof or a jump from the train gone wrong. There were a few that mentioned curious wounds on bodies, but they hadn't been looked into, thanks to the influence of the former leaders.

"Lilith!" a voice echoed just outside of her door, before strong knocks sounded against the wood, "It's an emergency!"

Furrowing her eyebrows, she rose from where she'd been sitting on the couch, throwing Jill's journal onto the coffee table in the process. The knocks continued, stronger by the second, only ceasing when she opened the door. In front of her were Nate and Reyna, both looking equally franctic. The blonde girl's skin was slick with sweat, her eyes watery as she wrapped her arms around herself, looking as if she'd just woken up from a nightmare.

Nate spoke before she had the time to say anything, "We have to get to the roof right now," he paused, his features twisting into a grimace, "It's a simulation."

That was all she needed to hear. 

The three of them took off down the hallway, Lilith running in front of her friends, feeling as if she was going to throw up. She had no idea of what Jeanine was hoping to achieve with this simulation but, if it was up on the roof, it wasn't good. Her hands felt clammy as she pressed the button to call the elevator, and the seconds it took for it to get to her floor felt like an eternity. Inside, a crowd of other Dauntless who had presumably already found out about what was going on looked at her in a panic, and Lilith could only give them a brief nod as she took her place in front of them.

Her foot thumped against the floor as the elevator went up the remaining floors to the roof. She couldn't stop thinking that they would be too late, that Erudite would manage to pull off whatever it was they were trying to do before she even got there. The doors hadn't fully opened when she left the elevator, bolting as quickly as she could in the direction of the door that she'd gone through so many other times, before the war had started.

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