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Lilith Ovard had stopped counting the days.

They seemed to merge together, a senseless repetition of the same activities, void of any excitement or fun. She watched the sun rise in the east and set in the west, she stood under the blue skies and the gleaming stars, feeling an empty black hole in her chest as she forced herself to keep breathing. Her body had become a shell for a soul that didn't see purpose in much anymore, not after her once promising future had crumbled to dust right before her eyes and her found family had split into those who died, those who weren't present, and those who didn't talk to her anymore. For the very first time in her life, Lilith felt utterly alone.

After Granger had told her that Eric had perished, it was like the ground crumbled under her feet, and she couldn't do anything other than fall. It had been then that the first signs of numbness had manifested themselves, making her chest hurt as their group ran out of the Dauntless compound before they could be caught by one of the other leaders. Lilith had followed everyone else as they jumped into the next train, speaking of heading to Amity in search of refuge. 

That was just what they did. Night had fallen by the time they reached the farms and were welcomed by Johanna Reyes herself. Lilith vaguely remembered seeing her sister Hortense running up to her, and sobs leaving her lips as she found herself in the embrace of family. Hortense was warm and comforting and safe, and Lilith felt like she was eight all over her again, just a small and fragile thing needing someone else to make sure that she was okay. The others had been taken to the main Amity building, but Johanna had allowed Lilith to stay in Hortense's house, and that was where she'd been living.

Hortense's backyard had a nice view into the apple orchard, and it was particularly pleasing to watch the leaves rustle in the wind and inhale the sweet smell that floated around the area. Lilith spend most of her time sitting in the porch, her eyes flickering through the trees as her mind wandered back to Dauntless, and she worried about those who they'd left behind. Eric and Siobhan were constantly in her thoughts, and she felt a need to get revenge for both of them. However, it was far too dangerous to go back to the city, and none of the others seemed to want to leave Amity. So, Lilith just waited. Whether it was for healing or for revenge, she didn't know.

"Thought I'd find you back here," Hortense's voice came from behind her. Lilith kept her gaze on the apple trees as her sister approached her, sitting next to her on the porch steps. She could feel her sister's concern as she let out a sigh, folding her arms over her chest, "You know I'm here if you want to talk about what happened, right?"

Lilith pressed her lips into a thin line, "I know. But you already know what happened."

"I know the facts," Hortense clarified, and the brunette turned to look at her sister's sad smile. It made her feel even worse. Hortense's eyes were warm, reminding Lilith of melted chocolate, "You never told me how you felt about everything that happened."

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