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The following day had been heavy, when it came to training. Lilith had been paired up with Molly for her combat, something that brought a smirk to her face. The other former Candor had attempted to strike her on the nose once more, but the brunette had dodged all of her hits and managed to knock her out after three minutes. Her whole body felt like it was about to give out on her, but Lilith did her best to ignore her aching muscles. If anyone saw her dragging herself around, her newly acquired ruthless reputation would go down the drain, and that was something she didn't want.

Her teeth were gritted as she followed Siobhan and Rita to the tattoo parlor, just after dinner. The blonde girl had recruited both of them to tag along with her as she got a new piercing, and despite wanting nothing more than to collapse on her bed until it was time for Nate and her to sneak out, she hadn't found it in herself to refuse. As they walked, her eyes focused on the tattoo on Rita's exposed shoulder. It was the simple outline of a butterfly, wings fluttering in the wind. It looked recent, and she wondered if she too had gotten a permanent reminder of her sister.

"I still feel betrayed that you were the one to shoot me down in Capture The Flag," Siobhan shrugged her shoulders at her friend, a mocking grin on her lips.

"Like you wouldn't have shot me," Rita bumped her shoulder against hers. Siobhan stumbled dangerously close to the edge of the path, but she didn't seem too bothered as she regained her balance. The smile on Rita's face faded for a few seconds, before she gulped and looked straight ahead of her. She continued, "Uriah says you guys took the sissy approach."

"It would have worked, too, if Four hadn't picked so many fast members," Siobhan shook her head, "Lilith did say he had a plan, but Jonathan was acting all high and mighty, as usual. Then, Eric told us to shut the hell up."

"As usual," Lilith smirked, earning a laugh from both of her companions.

At that time, the opening that led into the parlor came into view. It was packed, that night, and Lilith assumed that it was because it was the only free time the iniciates were allowed to have. She recognized some of the Dauntless borns and she was almost sure that she could see someone with Nate's hair, though the boy didn't turn around to let her confirm her suspicions. Some of the other iniciates looked at her in curiosity, and she didn't really understand why, until Rita tugged on her arm.

"Word got out about your fight yesterday, with the Amity boy," she mumbled, as the trio cut through the crowd, "Lynn heard that annoying boy you always bicker with talking about it. You have quite a reputation among us too, you know."

Lilith looked around, "They look scared. Not of me, though."

"They're scared you're going to rank first," Siobhan revealed, and the brunette raised an eyebrow. Her friend then grinned, "Like we told you, we know about three of the transfers being really good. One of them obviously is you," she paused, "So our group is a little scared that you and the two other boys will get better rankings than us. We didn't really think of the transfers as a threat until now."

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