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"They're jumping off!" a voice bellowed, and Lilith raised her head to look at the Erudite who was standing near the entrance.

Her eyebrows were furrowed as she pushed herself up from where she was still sitting, on the ground next to Beatrice. The other iniciates were chattering in a panicked tone as she made her way closer to the door, carefully mantaining her balance as she glanced outside. Numbness coarsed through her body at the sight of the Dauntless borns jumping from their wagon to a roof, and her eyes drifted to the ground below them. She'd never been scared of heights, but even she had to admit that it would be quite a drop, if anyone failed the jump.

"We have to jump off too, then," Molly spoke up for the first time since the ceremony.

"No shit," the brunette muttered in response, prompting the taller girl to glare at her. Lilith simply ignored her as she stood behind the Erudites who had already made up their mind about jumping.

Her attention was then caught by the sheer anxiety in the voice of one of the boys from Amity. Looking over her shoulder, the girl noticed that the male was pretty much glued to the wall, his skin slick with sweat. Both Christina and the other boy attempted to convince him to just jump, but he kept on shaking his head, eyes pinned to the tall buildings in front of them. A gush of wind blew through the wagon, and Lilith was suddenly back to the present. The Erudites had just jumped off and landed on the roof, on their hands and knees.

She took a deep breath before racing a few feet forward, the momentum propelling her towards the roof when her feet finally abandoned the train. All Lilith felt for a few seconds was the wind clashing against her body, ruffling her clothes and blowing her hair away from her face. Her shoes collided with the roof seconds later, and she tumbled forwards, somehow managing not to fall. Her lips spreaded into a grin. She'd done it.

Her joy didn't last long, however, for a cry suddenly echoed around them. Straightening up, Lilith glanced around the area, immediately finding the person who was in distress. One of the Dauntless born girls stood at the edge of the roof, one of her friends holding her back as she stared at the ground, seven floors bellow them. Siobhan was one of the first to get there, and Lilith watched as she helped the boy drag the crying girl away from the edge. She suddenly felt queasy, and turned away from the scene.

"Listen up!" a voice suddenly shouted. Lilith raised her head to see two men at the opposite end of the roof. The one who had spoken was the older of the two, wrinkles embedded in his dark skin and attentive eyes analyzing the iniciates. Everyone had slowly started making their way towards the two males, and Lilith followed. The man continued his speech, now that everyone was looking at him, "I'm Max. This is Eric. We're two of the leaders of your new faction."

Her eyes curiously drifted to Eric. He was clearly younger than Max, and a few inches taller, as well. While clearly focused on the other leader's speech, Eric's gaze was turned to his boots. Lilith couldn't help but let her eyes linger on his muscular form, taking note of how strong his arms looked and just how interesting the tattoo designs on both of his limbs actually were. Almost as if he had sensed her looking, Eric's blue eyes met hers, and the brunette felt intimidated at the coldness emanating from them as he glared in her direction, almost challenging her to keep looking.

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