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Several transfers had to be taken to the hospital wing, during the first few days of training, but none of them had stayed passed out for as long as Tris. Lilith had left the blonde girl in the care of a purple haired nurse a few hours before lunch, and she was still out when she returned, after training, along with Will, Christina and Al. Not very surprisingly, bruises already covered her pale skin, and Lilith highly doubted that she'd be able to open both eyes, when she finally awoke. 

The rest of the day hadn't been too eventful, or maybe Lilith had just stopped paying attention to her fellow iniciates as they trained. She had been itching to fight the whole time, but it wasn't like she could go up to Four and ask him to find her an opponent. Everyone else had their respective combats to worry about, and she wasn't going to throw a fit just because it was her turn to stay out. Ultimately, she ended up near the punching bags once again, only stopping when Christina approached her and told her that training was over, for the day.

"What happened to your face?" Tris' voice was heard after a while. Lilith's lips formed a small smile as she pushed herself away from the wall, making her way to end of Tris' bed. The other girl did her best to return her smile, but it looked odd, with how swollen her face had become.

Christina adjusted the ice pack against her jaw, releasing a laugh, "Look who's talking. Should we get you an eyepatch?"

The blonde paused for a few seconds, her eyebrows furrowed, "Well, I already know what happened to my face. I was there," there was another pause, during which Tris winced, "Sort of."

Lilith smirked, "Was that a joke, Tris?"

"We should get you on painkillers more often, if you're going to start cracking jokes," Will grinned, leaning forward in his seat. The suspicions he had about Lilith seemed to have dissipated during the day, and she could only assume that Christina was the one to thank for that. If there was something that she didn't want, it was for people to think she had her ranking handed to her on a silver platter, no matter what it ended up being. She wanted to work for it, and she wanted to become the best as a reward for all of her hard work. The boy was still grinning as he glanced at Christina, "Oh, and to answer your question - I beat her up."

"Romance at its finest," the brunette commented, only for Christina to smack her in the arm.

"Piss off, Lilith."

"I still can't believe you couldn't beat Will, Christina," Al spoke up for the first time, shaking his head.

Christina's lips were pursed as she shrugged her shoulders, "What? He's good. Plus, I think I've finally learned how to stop losing," she pulled the ice pack away from her face, allowing everyone to see the bruise forming on her dark skin, "I just need to stop people from punching me in the jaw."

"Wasn't that obvious since the very beginning?" Lilith chuckled, making her best friend roll her eyes.

"Now we know why she isn't Erudite," Will too laughed, before sending the girl a wink, "Not too bright, are you?"

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