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The next few days had gone by in a blur. Training was being more intense and exhausting than Lilith had expected, and tensions had started to rise between the transfers as soon as the physical fights between them had begun. Much to her surprise, she hadn't lost a single combat, thus far. Peter had managed to bruise her ribs with a harsh kick during their fight, but Lilith had ignored the burning and punched him across the face with all of her strenght, and the boy had been out for a few seconds. Her opponent on the second day of fighting had been Will. He was faster than Peter, but he had gone down with a kick to the stomach, leaving her only with a gash on her lip.

However, the true star of the physical combat was Nate. Lilith couldn't have been more wrong when she thought that he wouldn't be able to hold his own. The blond seemed to have rage coarsing through his veins every time he entered the arena, quickly dodging the attacks of his opponents and striking back when their defenses were lowered. The girl often found herself watching him, trying to learn techniques that she could use during her own fights. As much as Four and Eric both tried to hide it, Lilith could also see that they were impressed with Nate's fighting skills.

It was now the third day of combat, and Lilith's eyes raked over the chalkboard as she searched for her own name. There was always someone staying out, for they were an uneven number, and it appeared to be Tris, that time. The brunette found her name next to Myra's, and her eyebrows shot up to her forehead as she looked at the former Erudite. The girl hadn't won a single fight, and her face was covered in bruises from when she'd gone against Nate, on the first day. Lilith had noticed that Myra got anxious easily, and her strikes were all over the place when she did, meaning that she got careless and was easier to take down.

"This isn't good," Christina muttered, elbowing both Lilith and Tris.

"Ow," both girls chorused.

"Sorry," the dark skinned girl grimaced, "But look. I'm up against the Tank."

Tris' light eyes turned to the board, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "The Tank?"

"Dear Molly," Lilith released a chuckle. Christina and her had given the other Candor girl a new nickname, after she'd beaten Drew thanks to her size and strenght, "God, how I wish that were me."

"Hey, if you want to trade, I'm up for it," her friend replied.

Shaking her head, Lilith focused on the arena, as Will and Al took their places. Neither of them were disasters when it came to combat, having won at least one of the fights they'd been in. The main difference between them was their size. Will was tall, sure, but Al still towered over him, and he was a lot larger than the former Erudite. As both boys put their hands up in front of their faces, to shield themselves, Lilith noticed Will's fear as he gulped.

Christina and Tris were still chatting by her side, but the brunette tuned them out as she focused on the fight. Both males were hesitant as they circled around eachother. Whereas Al's size could be an advantage, Lilith assumed that it also made him slower, and she hoped that Will had come to the same conclusion. If not, it would be one hell of a beating.

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