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As much as Lilith wanted to do her best to stop thinking about it, her mind was still buzzing with theories about Erudite's current activities as she walked to the training room, on the next morning. Her left hand still burned from when Nate had stepped on it while they practiced, on the former night, all because she'd been too distracted to move it out of the way in time. Their session had still continued, however, and the brunette hadn't bothered to hold back a proud smirk upon seeing Nate's black eye, earlier that morning.

Craddling her hand against her chest, Lilith looked to where Eric was standing with Four, near the chalkboard with their names on it. Most traces of exhaustion she had noticed on him two days prior had faded, and the scowl on the other male's face told her that his attitude too had returned to normal. Maybe Siobhan had been right and they were being paranoid about Erudite. Maybe Eric hadn't been sleeping well, for some reason, and that was why he had looked so exhausted. She had no reasons to believe otherwise.

Her eyes drifted to the chalkboard, and she froze in place as she read her name. However, her lips soon twisted into a smirk, and she looked around the room for Nate. The boy had a similar expression on his face when their gazes met, and she took the wink he sent her way as a challenge. She quickly looked through the rest of the names, noticing that Tris was fighting Myra and Christina was up against Al. Lilith trusted that they could handle their respective fights.

"I think today's finally going to be the day we see you lose," she didn't even have to turn around to know that it was Peter speaking, which made her roll her eyes. The boy continued, "Perhaps this is where your luck ends."

"Do you have a problem?" her voice was firm as she turned to him, a single eyebrow raised. Molly and Drew stood close to them as well, silently watching the exchange. The smirk on Drew's face was enough to make her angry, but Lilith kept her features schooled. There was no way she'd give Peter the satisfaction of having the reaction he wanted.

"Not a problem. Just..." his eyes twinkled with mischief, as he glanced towards Eric, and then focused back on her, "Suspicions."

"I heard about those," Lilith nodded her head, before glancing towards the arena, where Will and Edward were currently circling eachother, "Might want to go get checked at the hospital wing. I think you have a severe case of paranoia."

"Maybe I'm just observant."

"Maybe you're just wrong."

Peter didn't give her an answer, but instead smirked as he faced the arena. The whole initiation process was making him a worse person as well, she realized, not that he'd ever been particularly good. Ever since she could remember, Peter had shown signs of not belonging in Candor, and there was a time in her life where she had envied him for being such a good liar. Lilith had grown out of that mindset, however, and her former neighbour's actions started to make her despise him. Like she used to put it, the boy was an annoyance, and she worried that he was becoming even worse, and that Dauntless was bringing his worst traits to the surface, much like it had been doing with hers.

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