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Lilith hadn't gotten any sleep, the rest of the night.

After Eric had been taken to the holding room to await for his interrogation in the morning, she'd looked around the Merciless Mart for the rest of her friends. Most seemed to be okay, even if shaken up by the attack, but, like the Dauntless they were, they wore masks of courage, even if their hands shook when they reached for the glasses of water she was offering them. Marlene's coping method appeared to be cracking jokes, but no one seemed to be able to respond with more than a weak smile, and she'd given up after a few hours.

Tris was weirdly numb about the whole ordeal, and Lilith hadn't wanted to pry as they worked together to remove the needles that the Dauntless-Erudites had fired from the guns like the one the brunette still carried in her holster. Both girls agreed that it was likely another attempt to set up a second simulation, this one with an unknown purpose. Jeanine had an army already, one that didn't need to be mind controlled, so it didn't make sense that her goal was to get more people fighting on her side. Unless she wanted control over everyone in the city, that was. 

The news that Rhiannon had been captured during the fight only got to her ears when the first rays of sunlight illuminated the lobby of the Merciless Mart, and she hadn't managed to hold back a smile. They had not one, but two Dauntless leaders with ties to Jeanine, and it was only a matter of waiting until the interrogations to figure out what the hell was going on. Between Rhiannon and Eric, they should have enough information to piece together what Jeanine's current plan was, and stop it while they still had the time.

That was what Lilith thought, until a Candor woman rushed into the lobby yelling that Rhiannon had ended her own life with a blade that had failed to be confiscated. 

So, Eric was the only person they could extract information from.

The interrogation had been set up for eight in the morning, and though it was very early, it seemed like the entirety of Candor and the loyal Dauntless had made the effort to show up. Theories of what Eric would say floated in the air, and Lilith caught bits and pieces of each one as she found a seat at the very front of the crowd, between two other soldiers that she'd never spoken to before. Despite that fact, they seemed to know who she was, for they instantly changed their positions so that she'd have more space. 

The gesture made her uncomfortable.

It felt like an eternity had passed before Eric was finally brought into the room, his hands bound behind his back and his dark circles standing out from the pale skin even more. The soldiers escorting him gestured for him to take a seat on the chair in front of Niles, and only then did he find her in the crowd, his eyes softening just the slightest bit before his attention turned to the needle with the truth serum. Lilith's fingers drummed against her thighs as Niles injected the serum into Eric's veins, her gaze landing on Four as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd on the other side of the room. The thought of what she'd told him hours before was heavy on her mind, and though she was convinced she'd meant it, she wasn't sure she could kill Eric, guilty or not. Desperately, she hoped that that wouldn't be the outcome.

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