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The iniciates seemed to have deemed the dorm as their reunion place after the first day of Phase Two, both transfers and dauntless borns sitting in beds or with their backs against the walls. Lilith had joined Nate, Christina and Will near the latter's bed, where they were discussing their simulations. She'd learned that Will's was something related to acid, Christina's had to do with insects, and Nate's had been heights. The blond boy was still trembling as they chattered, and Lilith had wanted to comfort him, but she didn't really know how. She hadn't recovered from her simulation, either.

Much to her surprise, Siobhan had made a beeline in their direction as soon as she'd entered the room, completely ignoring her other friends as she stood between Lilith and Will. She hadn't wanted to share what she'd seen during her time in the room with Four, and the other teenagers had made the decision not to pry, after exchanging careful glances with eachother. Soon, the conversation had turned to Edward and the possibility that it had been Peter attacking him. The situation still made Lilith's stomach churn, and she'd sat down on Will's bed when her head began spinning. She'd always been sensitive to that type of stuff, everything related to blood and gore, and the knife in Edward's eye had been particularly shocking to her.

"Speaking of the devil," Will's eyes flickered around the room, before he focused on the group once more, "Where the hell is Peter?"

"Probably peeing his pants," Lilith bitterly said, folding her arms over her chest as she glanced to where Molly and Drew were huddled together. They'd been giving her triumphant looks since Peter had tried to take her down, but she didn't have the energy to do more than glare at them. Shrugging, she started to bite her thumb nail, "Like the little piss baby he is."

"I don't think we can say he's a piss baby," Siobhan interviened, all eyes turning to her, "I'm sorry, but it takes guts to do to someone what he did to Edward."

Nate nodded, "She's right. Peter has some guts, living with himself after doing that."

Almost as if he'd known they were talking about him, Peter strolled into the dorm, a grin stretched across his face and a newspaper gripped tightly in one of his hands. Instantly, Lilith knew that he was up to something, watching as he went up to his lackeys and showed them the object in his hand. The trio then proceeded to snicker, and the curly haired boy straightened his posture, before addressing the whole room.

"Erudite just came out with more proof against Abnegation," he announced, his loud tone making the iniciates go silent. Lilith had always hated how he seemed to have the power to shut up entire groups of people by simply speaking over them, like a proper Candor who had grown up being taught how to debate sucessfully. It was the only characteristic of their previous faction that he seemed to have retained. He held up the newspaper, "It's getting good."

"No one cares, shithead," Nate was the one to reply, glaring at the other boy.

Peter glanced around the room, soaking in the attention that he was receiving from the rest of the iniciates, the same smirk on his lips, "I think people do care, Amity. Sit down," he said, making Nate clench his fists. Lilith's jaw twitched as she watched him open the newspaper, clearing his throat before he addressed the whole room once more, "This particular part is interesting. The mass exodus of the children of Abnegation leaders cannot be ignored or attributed to coincidence. The recent transfer of Beatrice and Caleb Prior, the children of Andrew Prior, calls into question the soundness of Abnegation's values and teachings. Why else would the children of such an important man decide that the lifestyle he has set out for them is not an admirable one? Molly Atwood, a fellow dauntless transfer, suggests a disturbed and abusive upbringing might be to blame," Lilith's eyes moved to the girl, and she wanted nothing more than to beat her to a pulp when she grinned. Peter himself looked pleased as he continued, "I heard her talking in her sleep once, Molly says, She was telling her father to stop doing something. I don't know what it was, but it gave her nightmares."

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