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Lilith's eyes snapped open as she sat up in the reclining chair, bringing a hand up to her chest as she gasped for air. Her limbs were shaking as she did her best to catch her breath, her gaze moving around the room to confirm that she was indeed back at the office where Moira had given her the strange substance. She found Moira's reflection in the mirror ahead of her, the woman looking down at her with concern, and the simple vision of the grey cladded female was enough to make her relax and lean back against the chair.

"You're a lively one," Moira mused, a smile painted on her lips as she carefully removed the electrodes from the brunette's sweaty forehead.

The girl's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she watched the woman retreating closer to the machine, her chest still heaving up and down as she attempted to catch her breath. Licking her lips, she finally adressed Moira, "Is that good or bad?"

There was a pause, before the brown haired female spoke once more, "Good, if you're actually planning on making your choice based on these results," her eyes went back to the machine, and Lilith closed her eyes for a few brief seconds. 

The white light just above her was starting to make her head hurt, and she wanted nothing more than to be out of the office. Memories from what she had seen during the test surfaced, and Lilith furrowed her eyebrows once more. Everything she had done had been instinctive. She hadn't stopped to think about other solutions or about the consequences her actions could have. And that was something that deeply worried her. 

"Your results are..." Moira paused, making Lilith look at her expectantly. Her heart hammered against her ribcage as she waited for the woman's next words, and the fact that she was taking so long to reveal what faction she belonged to was starting to piss her off. Moira smiled as she faced the teenager once more, "Dauntless," she announced. Before she could hold it back, a grin took over the girl's lips, and she exhaled loudly as she leaned her head back against the chair. She had been right. She had been able to figure out where she belonged. Moira was telling her something about how it wasn't unusual for Candor teenagers to get Dauntless as a result, and vice versa, but Lilith was way too ecstatic to actually pay attention to the information dump.

"Wow," she breathed out, and Moira cut off her speech, looking down at her in amusement. 

"Is that good or bad?" the woman raised an eyebrow, making Lilith chuckle.


"Well," Moira got up from her seat, dusting off her hands against her grey dress. Lilith followed her example and raised herself from the reclining chair, though her legs were still shaking. The anxiety that had settled in the pit of her stomach when she had entered the room was now gone, replaced by excitement and adrenaline. The two females walked together to the door, and Moira was quick in opening it for her, a bright grin adorning her freckled face, "Choose wisely, Lilith."

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