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Uriah's silver flask felt cold against the tip of her fingers, and Lilith supressed a shiver as she brought it up to her mouth, gulping the sour tasting alcohol as quickly as she could. She hadn't left the Pit since Al had been found, earlier that morning. Though she had stepped away from the ledge when Nate had arrived and pulled her away from it, she had stayed near the Chasm, refusing to move as Al's body was pulled up from the rough waters below. Dead bodies were a gruesome sight to anyone, and Lilith had felt like she'd wanted to throw up as soon as she'd caught a closer glimpse of the boy's body.

Eventually, the other initiates had started to gather around Nate and her, most of them silent. Christina had tears streaming down her face and stuck to Will's side as they watched Al's body being taken away, and Rita had looked like she wanted to cry, even if she didn't allow herself to. Uriah and Lynn had passed flasks with vodka and whiskey around the group, the dauntless borns drinking without hesitation, while the transfers refused, more often that not. Lilith hadn't managed to get the image of the corpse out of her head, so she'd been drinking as much as she could, latching onto Uriah's flask like her own life depended on it.

The flask was gently pulled away from her mouth after a few seconds, and the brunette attempted to pull it back from Nate's grip, but the blond didn't budge. She glared up at him, but he only shook his head, "Stop it. You're going to pass out before the funeral, if you keep this up."

She snorted, "Who cares? He's.. huh, he was a coward."

Nate sighed, giving the silver flask back to Uriah when the dark skinned boy extended his hand in their direction. Everyone from Dauntless seemed to be reunited in the Pit, awaiting the funeral, which, according to Lynn, should be happening soon. It worked differently in this faction, Marlene had explained, when the transfers had shown confusion. Death was supposed to be something honorable, she had said, and it was something to be acknowledged and celebrated. Lilith failed to see how a death like Al's could be any of those things, but it had given her a reason to drink, so she hadn't complained. 

She tumbled to the side when Tris pushed her way to stand next to her, quickly latching onto Nate's wrist to keep her balance. The blonde girl had been there earlier, when Al's corpse was still being retrieved from the body of water below. Just the sight of them putting him in a bag had been enough to break her, and Tris had ran off in a matter of seconds, sobs leaving her lips as she left the Pit. She seemed calmer now but, even while slightly intoxicated, Lilith knew that it was a facade. The look in Tris' eyes and the way the corners of her mouth trembled told her that the former Abnegation girl wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and cry, but she wouldn't do it. Not when it made her look weak.

Uriah extended his flask in her direction, and Tris wordlessly refused.

"Surprise, surprise. Once a Stiff, always a Stiff," Molly's voice echoed from somewhere behind them, followed by a muffled giggle.

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