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The whole dorm was enveloped in darkness when Lilith's eyes snapped open, and she furrowed her eyebrows as she spotted Christina opening the drawer under her bed and pulling out a jacket. They'd all decided to spend one last night at the dorm to pack the last of their belongings before moving into their new apartments, on the following day, and they'd gone to bed when Nate was done putting away the collection of boots he'd gotten during Initiation. Lilith pushed herself up, ready to ask Christina if she'd forgotten to pack something, when she noticed that Lynn was doing the exact same motions as her friend, on the other side of the dorm.

It didn't take her long to put two and two together and conclude that Eric had lied to her face about Erudite giving them trackers, and rage took over her as she got up, her fingers over the injection site in her neck. Whatever she had been injected with didn't seem to be working, but she knew that it was better to pretend like she was in the same boat as everyone else until she figured out what exactly was happening. She followed everyone's example and put on some clothes, her eyes meeting Tris' as she laced up her boots. The blonde's eyebrows raised, and she took a few steps in her direction, but Lilith shook her head at her. They didn't know who could be watching.

Everyone finished getting ready at the same time, forming an organized line in the middle of the room. Lilith slipped in between Nate and Marlene, a relieved sigh leaving her lips. A few seconds went by before whoever was at the start of the line started walking forwards, and everyone else began to move as well. The thump of their feet against the floor was loud, and Lilith soon realized that they were moving in a specific rhytm, all at the same time. Her eyes drifted to Nate's feet as she tried to understand the way he was moving and, by the time that they were out of the dorm, she was marching just like everyone else.

Though her body had adapted perfectly to the way she was moving, her mind was buzzing with possible theories as to what exactly was going on. She supposed that something like this coming from Erudite could only mean that they were going to do something that would harm Abnegation, and she wondered if the Dauntless leaders would stoop low to the point of going forward with an attack. There were no benefits for them, as far as Lilith could tell. She bitterly recalled Eric talking of peace just before they'd gotten their final rankings. What a joke that had been. How easily had he managed to manipulate her. How many people had she injected with whatever Erudite was using to control them, on the previous afternoon.

It made her feel sick.

They'd almost made it to the Pit when the person in front of the line made a sharp turn to the left, heading down a hallway that Lilith had never explored before. She'd barely turned to follow everyone else when her eyes landed on Max, who watched them intently as they passed. Her breaths faltered for a few seconds, and she squared her shoulders when Max was distracted with the other members, praying that she was doing a good enough job to fool him. She felt his dark eyes on the side of her head as she marched past him, keeping her gaze focused on the back of Nate's head. Not a single word left his lips, but Lilith didn't allow herself to relax, knowing that it was likely that the other leaders were keeping an eye on them as well.

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