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The first thing that Lilith noticed, when she woke up, was that the bed seemed to be a lot more comfortable than usual. The matress had the right ammount of firmness, and the sheets wrapped around her were extremely soft. Maybe she was finally getting used to the beds at the dorm. However, as she readied herself to go back to sleep, the sheets were tugged on from somewhere behind her, and her eyes immediately snapped open. Panic was quick to settle as she realized that she wasn't in the dorm and, as much as she tried to remember how she had gotten to this place, she couldn't. The only thing she was sure of was that there was someone else in the bed next to her, and Lilith could only hope that she hadn't made a bad call, on the previous night.

Gritting her teeth, she slowly sat up in bed, keeping the sheets wrapped around her, in case the other person was awake. Her movements were slow and careful as she dragged herself towards the edge of the bed, only daring to look over her shoulder at whoever had brought her home the previous night when her feet landed on the cold floor. Lilith could hardly believe in what she saw, at first. Though the male had his back turned to her, she would recognize Eric anywhere, and the fact that they both seemed to be fully undressed didn't leave her much room to think that maybe nothing had happened. She smacked her own forehead as Eric remained asleep, soft snores leaving his mouth.

"I should not have done this," she mumbled to herself, as she got up from the bed and started picking up her clothing from the floor. Her eyes drifted to the clock on Eric's bedside table, and she was surprised to see that it wasn't even nine yet. Still, if she wanted to leave before Eric woke up, she should hurry. Her eyes drifted to the leader's back as she buttoned up her pants, "Why am I like this?"

Usually, a one night stand wouldn't have bothered her this much. Lilith was no stranger to having fun with random guys in the darkness of the night, usually shortly before the Choosing Ceremony, when there was a possibility that they would choose something other than Candor and she wouldn't have to see them ever again. Her first time going home with someone had been a week before her own ceremony, and she hadn't felt the anxiety she was feeling as she pulled on her boots, her eyes darting around the room as she searched for her shirt and her jacket.

If word got out about what had happened, everyone would think that Peter was right and that she was only so high up in the rankings because she offered her body to Eric. Lilith wouldn't be able to argue against it, not if people managed to find proof. It wouldn't matter even if she told the truth and explained that it had been a drunken mistake, and that it had never happened before, making it impossible for that to be the reason she had been in the third spot during the last few weeks. Her efforts wouldn't matter, and just the thought that that was now a possibility made her want to cry.

Lilith chewed on her lower lip, allowing herself to glance back at Eric one last time before she walked out of the bedroom, entering a modern looking living room joined with a small kitchenette. Her eyebrows furrowed briefly, her mind not being capable of imagining Eric doing any sort of cooking, but the pots and pans left out to dry next to the sink told her otherwise. On the wall in front of the couch, there were two bookshelves, loaded up with books from one side to the other. After a few seconds, her eyes landed on a pile of clothes near the front door, and she quickly walked towards them, shoving her jacket to the side as she reached for her top.

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