Winter's Flow

32 14 19

Barely warm enough

For me to sit outside

Bundled above my waist

Below wind sneaks inside

Soft glow through thin gray clouds

Sun's blush on slow descent

Squirrels rustle through brown leaves

Hear pit, pat on deck steps

Airplane above cloud bank

Passes with muffled roar

Soon fades into background

Sound I often ignore

Fingertips are tingling

Cold seeps around my legs

Squirrel sits and looks at me

His stance for peanut beg

Cars thrum on nearby road

As day is winding down

Hear distant bark of dog

Breeze picks up and I frown

Can't stay here much longer

Rain and snow, on its way

Old screen door captures wind

And opens with wide sway

Leaves scratch across my deck

Blown up from garden bed

Nature's fertilizer

Bugs hide from wintry dread

Lone pine tree pokes above

A house on nearby street

Looks down on leafless trees

Its form a visual treat

Wee ball of chickadee

Flits among barren trees

Squirrels tiff on forest floor

Tails whip in cool day's breeze

Though time outside is brief

Still feel myself connect

With nature's winter flow

Savor time to reflect

© Copyright 2019- 2021 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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