The Prince and The Soldier

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This is a story of true love, Royal Knight!Bucky and Prince!Sam. Emotional rollercoaster ensues... And if this gets too long i'll make it a series, deal? Okay enjoy! Sorry this took so long!
(Also quick psa this doesn't really take place in any particular time period its just a bunch of mixed up stuff I feel fits the aesthetic and visual, look at it like a fantasy royal story)

"Excuse me, your highness?" The Royal Equerry knocked on Prince Samuels door before opening, to find the Prince being dressed by his tailor, the Prince turned to the door and motioned for the short man to come in.

"Your parents are ready to meet you as you requested" he bowed before the prince, showing off the bald spot in his head. The prince nodded. "Thank you, Mr Burt. I'll meet them shortly" Samuel answered and the Equerry bowed again and left the room.

The Prince of the Kingdom Merylline stood in the mirror in his Aristocrat gold and black vest and black long sleeved button up and dress pants (see pic below for better idea)

He walked through the dazzled hallways of the palace to see his parents for a meeting he set up in the library, he hoped they would agree to what he was going to ask them, he really needed this

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He walked through the dazzled hallways of the palace to see his parents for a meeting he set up in the library, he hoped they would agree to what he was going to ask them, he really needed this.

The King and Queen were at a small table in the plush velvet chairs, patiently waiting for their son, "Mom, Father, you both look stunning today" Samuel complimented his parents, hoping to stay on their good side.

His mother, Queen Darlene (or as the people call her, Queen D, which she loved) smiled as her son joined them at the table, the Queen was a kind woman with soft brown eyes, her long hair in box braids with gold bands decorating herself, just the way she liked. She adored her family and the people of the Kingdom, when she and her husband married she promised she would do her best to benefit them and make their lives comfortable as possible whilst keeping some for herself, in her opinion, self love is key.

His father, King Joshua (the people had no nickname for him) bowed his head in thanks at his son, the King was a strong, wise man with sharp blue eyes. He too adored his family and the people (but had his own way of showing it) his trust is considered a medal for it is hard earned. His hair in waves with a fine trimmed beard, with his casual crown on his head. He strived for peace and democracy when he occupied the throne, he signed peace treaties with neighbouring Kindoms (which is how he met his wife) and promised his subjects a safe and secure life, in his opinion, friendship and honour are top priority.

Prince Samuel, who in was a combination of the two when it came to morals, social skills and looks, he inherited his mothers soft eyes and kind nature along with his fathers strength and was taught his fighting skills by him, but his spirit wanted to travel, feel thrill and excitement, he wanted to fly freely and not sit around in one place while he was young, he wanted to make friends in far off lands and most of all, find love. He didn't care if they were royal or commoner, he just wanted someone to care for and vice versa. In his opinion, freedom to choose ones path is important as can be.

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