Somehow (Soulmate Tattoo AU)

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I accidentally published this before I finished it oops- The pic above is the tattoo, and the one below is how they're placed.

I accidentally published this before I finished it oops- The pic above is the tattoo, and the one below is how they're placed

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March 10th, Brooklyn 1935
Bucky's POV

Everyone is born with a Soulmate, a tattoo mark shows up on somewhere on their body when they turn 18, no one knows why or how, it just happens.

And today, I turn 18. And first call of business: look for my Soulmate Tattoo. It wasn't hard to find, thank god. It was on my left shoulder, at the front, it was a tiny wing, I liked it. I wonder who my soulmate is? Where are they? Are they in the city? Another state? Another country?

Wherever they are, I can't wait to meet them, I hope they're okay.

I hear a knock on the door, "did you find it, Buck?" It was Steve, I smiled and opened the door to show him, his eyes widened when he saw it. "Wow, its a nice one, whoever your soulmate is will be lucky to have you, buddy" the thin kid complimented me as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders to go see my family.

My mother was the first to hug me "happy birthday, my boy. Show us the mark!" I rolled my eyes and pulled my collar down to reveal the little wing on my skin, "awww how cute, quick! Let me take a photo" I groaned in annoyance "Ma, it's not like I'm gonna lose it" she shoved the remark off "oh hush, I'm just happy that you have a Soulmate" she said, getting the expensive camera ready for the photo.

1946, Siberia

Blackness is all I can see, I don't know where I am, I felt as if I was awakening from a weird state of between awake and asleep. I was being dragged from a cold chamber by two men, my body was limp, my muscles nonresponsive. I was placed into a cell, "we'll come back for you later" a grim man said in a deep Russian accent.

I tried recollecting myself, I still knew who I was, my body began to catch up. I pulled myself to my feet, I looked around, nothing but a steel table for a bed and a mirror, I walked up to it. There I was, tired, confused, with a metal left arm.

My mark is gone.

I begin to sob violently, my entire body shaking, not for me, but for my soulmate. They'll spend their whole lives looking for me, they'll be all alone. I'm so sorry, whoever you are. I'm sorry we could never meet.

The men came back, they dragged me to the chair, I recognized this from when they tested on me, the machine started wirring and sparking as it moved down and clasped on my head.

April 14th 1996, Louisiana
Sams' POV

Finally, I'm 18.

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