The Prince and The Soldier pt 3

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Not that it's relevant to this chapter but I found this pic of Anthony Mackie on Pinterest and thought I'd share, (sorry this took so long)

Samuel was awakened by noises made up in his head, he sat up in his bed and tried to see his surroundings, though it was no use it still being dark and all. He sighed and buried his face in his hands, not again he muttered silently, this was an often occurrence. One of the habits he'd developed due to stress and anxiety of taking the throne someday, he decided a night time walk in the garden might help.

Dressing in a simple shirt, pants with a black cape tied around his collar in case he needed warmth. He tiptoed through the halls of the palace until he made it to the exit, the Prince made his way around into the large, beautiful garden, it streched on for about half a mile, different kinds of flowers, bushes and trees spreading to the edge of the Castle grounds, he remembered playing hide and seek with all the soldiers kids when he was little, he was the best at it, not to brag of course.

The garden bathed in moonlight, not allowing him to see it in it's full glory of color and beauty, what a shame the Prince thought as he walked down the cobblestone path under the arc of majestic vines, the moonlight beaming through the gaps creating a messy pattern on the ground below it, the light crawled over the mans skin, the pattern being interrupted by his shadow as he walked through the night.

He came upon a metal gazebo with a bench against the wall of flower vines crawling up an over the roof of it, separating him from the sky but the little beams of light through tiny gaps comforted him as he began to slow dance around the small space, music in his head, eyes closing and a small smile gracing his lips.

"Your highness?"

Samuel immediately stopped his movements, he turned to find James standing at the entrance of the gazebo, a concerned look in his eyes. "What are you doing out at this hour?" The Knight asked the Prince, stepping closer to him, "I- I could ask you the same question, Sergeant" Samuel stuttered in embarrassment.

"I was out on a midnight stroll, you?" James replied, "I too, was out on a stroll" James eyes squinted at the response "after this morning's events? That's not a good idea" "no one can see me here, I'm fine" the Prince argued and all fell silent.

Samuel felt bad, after all, James did save his life and is going to be watching his back for the next twelve months. "My apologies, please come sit with me and we can get to know eachother" the Prince motioned to the bench, and the knight nodded.

"Tell me about yourself, James, since we're going to be together a lot" Sam requested as Bucky settled into the bench, "what would you like to know, your highne-" "-please, call me Sam" the prince smiled, the brunette turned his head in a shy manner.

"So, Sam, what would you like to know?" James repeated his previous sentence and Samuel was quiet for a moment.

After a few seconds of thought, the Prince asked "what's something that entertains you?" James perked up, exited to answer "I really like art, I've wanted to do it all my life but never had enough money for supplies, I remember as a child I would peek through the windows of local museums and browse through galleries, I-" the sergeant cut himself off, he noticed the prince was looking at him, "s-sorry if I'm rambling, I just get really passionate sometimes" Samuel smiled bigger, he subtly took in the view of the beautiful man before him, his pale skin glowing in the night, his eyes shining like the stars above, his body curling in an insecure manner.

That broke Samuel's heart, due to all the pressure, he had developed that feeling, he related to it.

"You have nothing to apologize for, I like art as well. Maybe we could paint together one day" Samuel assured the knight, which made him smile.

"Okay, now you ask me something".

The conversation went on and on for hours. They talked back and forth about interest, childhood memories, what they wanted for their future and so much more. The two had quickly grown comfortable with one another, laughing until they noticed the sun was coming up.

"Well, uh- we best be getting back to the castle" James said awkwardly and the pair stood from the bench, "yes, yes of course, walk with me" Samuel replied as he gestured for the gazebo's exit.

The pair walked together in silence, smiles on both their faces. A small but sure to grow sense of comfort and friendship was blossoming between them, Samuel liked this feeling, he wondered if James did.

Oooo here we go! They're starting to like each other! Also TFAWS FIRST EPISODE WAS SO GOOD I LOVED IT!!!! (Spoilers in comments)

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