🎃Halloween Party🎃

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Hey, y'all! Welcome to my new book! As much as I love Stucky, it can no longer be canon so Sambucky is like my new found love. Feel free to request some stuff you'd like to see in this book. Enjoy!

The Avengers always had parties, some formal, some just for the hell of it and some were seasonal. This one in particular was a Halloween party.

Sam and Bucky decided to go together, they had gotten closer over the months and thought I'd be fun. What they both didn't know was that the they had a crush on one another, both of them wanted to be more than friends but they were scared of heartbreak.

They decided to go as Finn and Poe from Star Wars, Sam had shown Bucky the movies and he absolutely loved them.

They arrived at the party, black and orange balloons, fake spider webs with plastic spiders and bowls of candy were everywhere. The Avengers stood around in groups talking while "This Is Halloween" played in the background.

Everyone's costumes were amazing, Steve who was Daniel Craig's James Bond and Natasha who was fem Pennywise, Tony and Pepper were Lucifer and Chloe Decker, Clint was Robin Hood, Wanda was a typical witch, Carol and Valkyrie were two Vampires, Bruce was Dr. Frankenstein and Thor was the Beast, Shuri and Peter were Luke and Leia from Star Wars (which everyone found Super adorable), Scott and Hope were two sides of an Oreo (they didn't care how cheesy it was).

Everyone was mingling and drinking for while when a certain topic came up, the characters that Sam and Bucky were dressed as are shipped. Nither of them knew that, no one had told them yet.

But of course word spreads fast so they did find out and god it was embarrassing.

"You two should kiss and make the ship real!" Natasha drunkenly yelled out, everyone began to yell "yeah!" And "do it, do it!" In response, Sam and Bucky were pushed into the middle of a circle, embarrassed and blushing messes.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The team began to chant, Bucky blushed deeply and Sam bit his lip and stared at the floor. Eventually, Sam grabbed Bucky and pulled him in, connecting their lips.

It was short but oh my goodness it was wonderful. They parted and looked into eachothers eyes "I like you" they said in sinc and everyone laughed, they spent the rest of the party either hand in hand or dancing.

After the party Sam asked Bucky out, he said yes and the rest is history.

I turn 15 in 4 days holy- chile anyway Happy Halloween to those who celebrate! Be safe loves! 💕

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