💋kissy prompts 2💋

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Basically a part two to the last one.

Prompt 2: hello kiss

Bucky got a call at 7:36pm telling him Sam and been dispatched due to injuries, he frantically grabbed his phone, wallet and keys to go pick him up, it had been 2 months since the couple had seen eachother, a month longer than it was supposed to be, so Bucky was desperate to see his boyfriend.

He made it to The Avengers compound, dashing down hallways and out to the landing pad, a Quinjet just arrived, the engines were still buzzing and the thrusters had just turned off. The ramp dropped, Nat and Steve helped Sam as he limped down, scrapes and cuts over all of them, his right arm in a sling, several band aids on his limbs and face, to top it all off, his leg was wrapped in a bloody bandage. Bucky immediately started jogging towards his friends and boyfriend.

Sam noticed him coming towards him, he asked Steve and Nat to stop helping, they removed their arms from Sam and he reached for Bucky, his boyfriend swooped him in his arms and pulled him into his warm embrace.

"Darling" Bucky whispered into his lovers neck before planting a big one on his lips, Sam cupped his boyfriends neck in his hands, lips desperately trying to devour the other, the feeling of longing, craving and the absence of being like this flowed through the motion, all the love the men could muster in that moment was poured into it.

But unfortunately humans apparently have to breathe so the two lovers split their faces apart, panting and releasing breathly chuckles, "hey" Sam whispered as he and Bucky's foreheads touched "hi" Bucky whispered back with a smile, staring into the beautiful mud pools of his boyfriends eyes.

"You feeling okay?" The brunette asked, his nose slightly brushing against Sams "better, now that you're here" Bucky smiled at the words from Sam before kissing him ounce again, more slow and soft this time.

The pair made it home, Sam took a deep sigh at the familiar place, happy to be home with Bucky after a rough mission. "I love you, Buck. Have I told you that since we've been together again?" Bucky turned to Sam, walked up to him and placed his hands on the waist of his boyfriend.

"Well, you have now, I love you, too. Now c'mon, you need a shower"

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