The Prince and The Soldier pt 12

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Here it comes....

Jamie slid on some under armour to go under his formal uniform, all knights attending were wearing them. Since it was the last party they would have before the Prince left for home in less than four months.

Home... Sam would be going home.

Jamie hadn't thought what would happen when Sam leaves, what would become of their relationship. The brunette noted to ask him after the party, right now he just wanted to have fun with the man he loved. The brunette hoped the Prince would like the gift he had for him.

He looked at himself in the mirror, took a deep breath, straightened his back and adjusted the holster that contained his sword, he looked sharp in the uniform, he knew Sam would like it.

He looked at himself in the mirror, took a deep breath, straightened his back and adjusted the holster that contained his sword, he looked sharp in the uniform, he knew Sam would like it

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The party was already coming alive, Jamie walked into the ballroom, looking around for the Prince. He turned to find him standing on his own in a stunning blue and silver patterned coat with a white shirt, white gloves, black pants and black leather knee high boots to go with it.

 He turned to find him standing on his own in a stunning blue and silver patterned coat with a white shirt, white gloves, black pants and black leather knee high boots to go with it

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Jamie approached the Prince with a smile as he snuck up and kissed his cheek, Sam jumped in shock but relaxed and laughed when he realized it was Jamie. "Hey, you" the almond skinned Prince greeted his man, "hey" Jamie requited the little gimmick and brought his hand up to kiss his knuckle.

The band began to play and people started to pair up and dance, Jamie took a step back and playfully crossed his left arm behind his back and bowed, swirling his right hand around as he did. "May I have this dance, your highness?" Sam rolled his eyes "you may Sergeant Barnes" the Prince played along and took the brunettes gloved hand in his own.

The two men swayed to the rythm, giggling and whispering unspoken words. Time always seemed to fly for our dear Prince whenever he was in Jamie's arms, it was as if no amount of time being enveloped by such strong yet gentle arms was enough, his right around Sam's waist and the left holding out their hand interlocked hands.

The pulled themselves into the other, needing the closeness. Jamie leaned in to whisper in Sam's ear "I need to tell you something, we should go somewhere quiet" Sam was taken aback, it was a bit random at that particular moment.

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