💋Kissy prompts💋

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Ill be using these kiss prompts I found on Pinterest cuz I think they're cute and fit Sambucky so well! Enjoy!

Prompt 1: Goodbye kisses

"Hello?" Sam answered his phone, the sheets of Egyptian cotton sliding off his body as he sat up in bed at 4:26am. Turning on the beside lamp as Bucky turned over to the left and rubbed his eyes with his flesh arm, his bare chest on show, "hey, Nat, what's up?" Bucky sat up with growing concern, staring at his boyfriend as he made short answers to what the red head on the other line was saying.

"Okay, I'll see you in three hours, bye" Sam hung up and placed his phone on the bedside table, "early mission?" Bucky assumed, Sam nodded in response "some undercover mission in Serbia, something about domestic terrorists" Sam shrugged off which got a huffed chuckle out of Bucky.

"Is it just you they want?" Bucky pressed further, Sam nodded again, "Nat will pick me up, the mission lasts about a month and a half, maybe longer" he added. The burnett nodded back and flung the remaining covers from his body, revealing his blue striped pajama pants.

Standing up and making his way to the walk in closet, grabbing a white tank top for him to put on and Sams' suit "best we get you ready then, huh?" The blue eyed dork that Sam called his boyfriend pushed the red and white uniform into Sams' chest before leaving the room to start breakfast.

Sam soon left the bedroom too, half his suit on with black under armour, Bucky made bacon, eggs and hash browns. He always made that before missions, knowing they wouldn't be together for while.


The pair could hear Nat's flash car pulling into the drive way, they walked outside of their apartment building onto the concrete path leading to the sidewalk, Sam turned to his love and breathed deeply through his nose "I'll see you soon, alright?" He promised Bucky as he smiled sadly, "be careful, okay? I love you" "I love you too" they whispered softly to one another and came together for a kiss.

Their hands splayed on the others backs, lips pressing firmly and moving in a sweet motion, Buckys body curled against Sams as the kiss broke off "I'll see you later, baby" Sam turned their bodies slowly, pressing three short kisses on the mouth before letting go. Sam loaded his things and himself into the car before driving off.

I'm thinking of doing these as like tiny breaks between The Prince and The Soldier chapters. Cuz I feel like i'll bore you with just one thing, have a good day my loves, take care of yourselves!! 💕💕💕

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