We... thought you knew???

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This was requested by @Cutie6306 hope like it!

"I like you, Sam."

"I like you too, Buck."

Those were the words Sam and Bucky shared 7 months ago, things blossomed ever since, from nervous touches and adorably awkward dates and conversations, to making out at any given alone time and doing... Other stuff...

We begin at the Avengers compound where the whole place was buzzing with busy Avengers getting ready for a big mission, all of them were needed somewhere in Switzerland due to massive threats on the governments security and safety of the citizens.

"Okay people, everyone packed?" Tony checked with everyone, several bags all over the living room "yes, but where are Sam and Bucky?" Rhodes asked the group, everyone shrugging because they didn't know. "I'll go look for them" Natasha made her way to the sleeping quarters.

She checked Sam's room first, knocking on the door and calling for his friend before opening the door, her eyebrows knitted together when she didn't find The Flacon in his room. So she made her way to Bucky's room.

Knocking on the door, no answer. She opened the door but goodness was she not ready for what she saw. Bucky and Sam pressed up against the back wall, intensely making out.

Sam's hands were making their way under Bucky's shirt, Bucky's hands squeezing Sam's thighs, Natasha made a loud gasp "OH MY GOD!" She said as she turned away from the pair who quickly separated after noticing her presence.

"Um- hey Nat uh- surprise?" Bucky tried to lighten the moment, not working of course. Nat hit the wall lightly with her fist "first of all: lock your god damn door next time, and second: it's time to leave, are your bags packed?" She asked her friends, still not facing them.

"Yes, we're packed. We'll be there in a minute" Sam answered and the red head left the room, leaving them embarrassed and uncomfortable. "She'll tell everyone, you know" Bucky stated as he went for their bags to pick them up, "let her tell, I don't care at this point" Sam replied and Bucky nodded in agreement.

The mission was a long two weeks, but it went by smoothly, they seized the group that placed the threats and all was well. The Avengers went home, without a scratch upon them.

Everyone unpacked in their rooma and made all together made their way back to the living room, only to find Sam and Bucky making out on the couch.


"What the actual fu-"

"Wanda! Language! But seriously... What?"

"I knew it."

"No you did not, Tony"

"Yes I did, Rhodey"

"Well- I mean- congrats I guess"

Sam removed himself from the couch, scratching his neck "thanks, but we thought Nat told you guys?" The Avengers shook their heads "well, now they do" Natasha quipped and everyone went back to their rooms, mood changed due to the previous moment.

"We should really make sure we're alone when we make out" Bucky said to Sam as the pair of lovers walked to Buckys room, "yeah no shit, James".

Haha I loved this, thanks for the requests you guys!

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