The Prince and The Soldier pt 6

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I thought I'd give y'all part 6 now. Things are getting good! This is probably the longest chapter I've ever written- anyway, enjoy. (Also listen to the music I feel it suits a certain moment in this, take a guess which one after you read)

Over the next few weeks, 6 and a half months into the Summer Palace stay. Sam and John got along fine, at least that's what John thought. In reality, Sam didn't feel protected, the soldier had this uncomfortable energy, at least with Jamie he had certainty.

Jamie Sam thought as he stood up in the tower of the castle, looking out into the vast fields on the left with faded into deep forests on the right, even though he thought he hated him, he missed him so much. His heart always felt tight without the lovely brunette. He missed his laugh, they way Jamie made him laugh, the way his eyes bore into his soul, leaving their mark on Sam's very soul.

But most of all... He missed his lips.

He'd only felt them ounce, but he longed for the touch of his soft lips against his, the way his hands squeezed his hips him when they kissed, every fibre of his being told him to seek out Jamie and kiss him again, but Jamie didn't want to be around him, he just had to shove it deep down and hope it goes away.

"Prince Samuel! Where are you?" The voice of John Walker called for him as he made his way up the stairs, "there you are, you're not supposed to leave my side" the soldier said as he grabbed Sam's wrist in am out of orderly manner "hey- stop!" Sam pulled away from him.

"You're my bodyguard, not my advisor. And you have no place grabbing me like that" The Prince talked down to John like a child, causing him to straighten up "I'm sorry your highness, forgive my actions, I can't disappoint my superiors" Walker seemed desperate.

Sam knew he was being manipulated, he didn't do anything about it. He just rolled his eyes and made his way down the tower stairs, John stepping in front of him with a protective stance. This guy The Prince thought.

He had to get away from him, fast. He couldn't take it anymore, John was doing his job, but Sam could never do his things in peace. When the two exited the tower and onto castle grounds, Sam slowed his walking to wear he was a few meters behind the blonde.

He quickly and quietly made a beeline for the garden, he never told John that was his favourite place, he slowed to a jog when he found himself under the flower arch towards the gazebo.

He looked down at his feet, not paying attention to what was in front of him, Sam felt himself fall as he smashed into something, or more accurately, someone.

The Prince felt him and the person hit the ground with a thud, Sam quickly pushed himself up with his hands. "Oh god, I'm so sorry I was just-" he didn't finish the sentence, it was Jamie he crashed into. And now he's on top of the brunette, staring into the grey-blue eyes he missed so much.

"Sam- uh... Hi." The Sergeant said nervously, not moving from the awkward position, he looked at Sam. The temptation of love creeping back again, shove it down, James. Shove it down. The Soldier repeated in his head, forcing it away.

Sam was the first one to move, he pushed himself off of his former guard, rising to his feet and he extended a hand out to him. James took it and rose up himself with the help of The Prince.

"Thanks, uh- I- I should get going" James stuttered out, he had to get away from Sam before something bad happened.

Sam heard a voice calling out, whoever it is was coming their way, it was John. Hooray. "Your highness, if you slip away from me again I swear" John threatened, grabbing Sam's wrist again and pulling him back towards the castle, Sam faced back at Jamie, who made no attempts to follow.

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