The Prince and The Soldier pt 7 (republished again, sorry)

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Final republish I promise, sorry loves (ALSO HOLY FUCK THE FIRST EPISODE OF LOKI WAS AMAZING)

Sam and Jamie decided to separate until the date they had planned tonight, Sam told Natasha to help James get dressed in the room across from his as he only had like three outfits, Nat laughed at the joke and agreed to help her Sergeant.

Sam dressed himself in his room, a small smile on his face the whole time. He was happy, very happy. He and Jamie had found each other again, not everything was resolved between them but Sam was not about to let that ruin his night.

He finished changing and looked in the mirror, he wore a black button up with matching pants and a stunning gold and black pattern Tailcoat hooked around the front.

He finished changing and looked in the mirror, he wore a black button up with matching pants and a stunning gold and black pattern Tailcoat hooked around the front

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He took a deep breath before exiting his room to go down the hall, where he would wait for Jamie to exit his room.

Speaking of Jamie, he too got changed into the outfit Natalia picked for him whilst she waited outside. Sam told the red head he was wearing gold tonight so she wanted the brunette to go with that, so to go with the gold she picked out a silver fit. A matching black button up and pants but with a different pattern Tailcoat.

 A matching black button up and pants but with a different pattern Tailcoat

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*drools again cuz Sebastian and Anthony would look amazing in these*

Jamie opened the door, revealing Sam leaning against the opposite wall waiting, Bucky felt the air knock out of his lungs, he stared as Sam literally shined in his golden tailcoat, "wow- you look- you look amazing, My Prince" the brunette stuttered as he took Sam's hand and planted a kiss right below the wrist.

"Not to bad yourself, My Soldier" Sam smiled cheekily at the taller man as he began to turn pink with embarrassment, "shall we?" James asked and raised his arm for Sam to link with him, "we shall" Sam replied with a grin as he linked arms with Jamie.

They made their way to the dining hall where they sat across from each other and waited patiently for their food.

After a few minutes it did come, the pair began to dig in, Sam noticed Jamie was staring at him, he chuckled "what?" Sam giggled stabbing his pork chop and cut into it, the brunette shrugged "nothin', it's just... I can't get over how beautiful you are" Sam's gaze darted around, before he placed his knife down and reached across the table to take Bucky's hand in his.

"You're beautiful, too, Jamie. Beyond comprehension" it was Bucky's turn to avert his eyes from the man in front of him, his cheeks getting redder by the second. The rest of the dinner went quickly, they made small talk here and there, both have never been on dates so they both tried to not make it awkward.

After dinner they decided to go on a walk in the garden, they walked towards the pond in the center of it, the water glinting in the moonlight as it dripped into from the top to the bottom, but neither of them noticed. They were too busy holding hands and looking at the moon above, smiling like children in the others company.

They sat on the bench in front of the pond hands separating for the time being, Sam rested his head on Jamie's shoulder. Jamie gazed down at him, happy for ounce in his life.

Don't get too comfortable, one day he will find out, and he'll be heartbroken and disgusted with you-

"Go away!" Jamie blurted out at the voice, he gasped when he realized he said it out loud, startling Sam "Jamie, are you okay?" The Prince was gravely concerned, Jamie got up from the bench and ran his hands through his hair in distress "yeah- n-no I'm- I can't- oh god- why does this- WHY?!"

It's done, gone. You've ruined it again, you gonna have to shove it down again, you'll never be happy, you can't have Sam, let him go and he'll be safe.

"Jamie, baby what's wrong-" "I can't tell you, Sammy I- God-" Sam was so confused "I thought we were okay-" Jamie interrupted by gabbing the Prince's hand "yes, we are- we- we were but I was so stupid to believe that- I just thought maybe I could- oh god I'm so sorry" Jamie rambled on not helping the situation at all.

"I can't tell you, I'll hurt you, I tried to ignore it I really tried but it always comes back I can't stop it, I-I'm so, so sorry, Sammy" Jamie let go of the Prince's hands and ran off, ounce again leaving Sam alone.

Sam sank to his knees, he didn't understand. Why was Jamie so scared to be loved? Sam thought it must have something to do with his childhood.

"Prince Samuel? Are you alright?" He heard a familiar rough voice that made him tense, it was John. What did he want? "I'm- I'm fine, what are you doing out here?" The blonde shrugged "needed some air, saw James walk off, what happened?" Walker invasively asked, Sam answered quickly "I don't know, actually".

John nodded and extended his hand, "look, I know we've gotten off on the wrong foot before, but if you're willing... We could be quite the pair. Since Barnes has abandoned you" Sam was hesitant at first, but he eventually took the soldiers arm and allowed Walker to pull him to his feet.

"So, what shall we do?" John asked, Sam shrugged "how 'bout we just... talk?" The Prince suggested, the blonde nodded and smiled.

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