Pain is strength (Dad's pt 3)

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Here's a random dose of Sam and Bucky being nurturing fathers after little Guinevere hurts herself in different ways.

Sam's POV

Guinevere loves hide and seek, it's her favorite game. She'll always insist on me hiding first, and I do. Because secretly I like it, it's more fun.

I find a place behind a tree, I peek around and watch my daughter finish counting "eight, nine, ten! Ready or not, here I come!" She yelled and began to seek, I shifted around the tree whenever I thought she could see me, but I always want her to find me so to lure her I rustle the bush next to the tree.

She does a cute gasp, because she knows she's got me now. I can hear her slowly move towards my tree, she jumps around and roars at me, I fake scream and begin running around the backyard, she follows with that giddy laugh of hers.


I stop running and turn around to see Guinevere on the ground clutching her knee, not to mention she's crying. I go to her to investigate what happened, "hey, hey baby, baby shhhh. It's okay, you're okay, what happened?" I cup her cheek with my hand and wipe her tears, my other hand over hers which are still on her knee.

"I tripped on a stick and it cut my knee when I hit the ground" she sniffled, she moved her hands revealing a bleeding cut, it wasn't too deep thank god so I could easily patch it myself "awwww bubba, c'mon let's go inside and fix that up" Guiny nods and I lift her up into my arms, she wraps her limbs around me like a baby koala bear.

I kiss her cheek in comfort, her chin set on my shoulder, the occasional sniff and small sob coming from my little girl. I set her down on a stool before grabbing the first aid kit from beneath the sink. "This'll sting a little, Guiny, be brave" I tell her as I rub her cut with alcohol.

She winces a little but doesn't cry "good girl, Guiny, now for the band-aid" I tell her taking a 2x3 inch patch from the aid kit. Removing the plastic and placing it over her cut. "There we go, that feel better now?" She nods and I kiss the band-aid, like how my mom did whenever this happened to me or my sister.

"Papa, can we have a fruit roll up, please?" I sigh "since you've been so brave, I don't see why not" I lift her up again and walk to the kitchen.


Bucky smiled as he watched Guinevere play with the other kids at the park, sitting alone on the bench, Sam was at home doing reports for his recent mission. "Which ones yours?" A lady with blonde hair and sunglasses on the bench next to Buckys asked "the girl on the monkey bars" the lady looked for her and nodded "she's adorable, my son is in the sandpit, my wife is the woman playing with him"

Buckys eyes widened, holy shit a fellow gay he thought "oh my god, I have a husband at home!" She gasped "no way! I'm Haley" she stuck her arm out for a hand shake, the brunette obviously took it "James, so how did you guys have your kid?" "Oh through adoption, we foster a lot of kids but when he came into our lives we just fell in love with him, a year later he was ours" "aw, that's amazing. We had our girl through a surrogate plus my husbands DNA, we are planning on-"

"AAAHHHH" Some kid screamed bloody murder in the park, immediately recognizing that was Guinevere who had screamed, he dashed to where he saw her last, his father instincts kicking in.

"Daddy!" A sobbing Guinevere called when she saw him running to her "hey, sweetie. Daddy's here, what happened? What's wrong?" Bucky asked his daughter, "my arm" Guiny managed to get out between sobs, Bucky looked at her right arm, it was misshapen, obviously broken. "Do you want me to call 911?" Haley asked from behind the brunette, "no thank you. I'll drive I just need to call my husband".

Sam sat at his desk, slowly nodding off because he hated doing reports, he was broken from the trance by his phone going off in his pocket. He pulls it from his pocket, the screen shows "Bucky💋" at the top of the screen. "Hey hun, what's up?" "Oh thank god I thought you'd have your phone off, Guinevere broke her arm, I'm driving to the hospital right now, can you meet us there?" Sam's not tired anymore.

"Oh my God, y-yes, yes I'll be there as quick as I can" Sam's own father instincts kicked in, he grabbed his wallet and keys- wait, wait! Why go in the car, when you can do something really cool that will cheer up Guinevere?

Bucky sat outside Guinevere's room while the doctors had her sedated to put her bones back into place, he heard the familiar sound of mechanical bird wings and- oh. My. God.

In flew his husband in his full Captain America suit, he landed outside the hospital doors before he walked in knowing they would open automatically. Bucky stood from his chair "Sam what the hell are you doing?" He said gesturing to his suit "I know it's out of pocket, but I know how much Guiny likes the suit and since she's hurt I thought it would cheer her up" Bucky covered his face with his hands in disbelief.

"You are so embarrassing.... but also so sweet for doing this and I adore you for it" Bucky said pecking Sam on the lips, he'd rather it'd be longer but they were in public.

"Mr Wilson Barnes, you can come see your daughter, she should be awake within half an hour".

The couple sat on either side of their four year olds hospital bed, she had a purple cast on her injured arm. The four year old slowly started waking up, "hey, sweetheart. How're you feeling?" Bucky asked stroking Guinys forehead.

"My head feels weir- Papa are you in your work suit!?" Sam nodded at his little girl and she started giggling with excitement. She loved the suit, every kid loves the suit.

Guinevere was discharged from the hospital a few hours later, Sam offered to fly Guinevere home, Bucky was against that of course but Sam convinced him not long after, "if it makes you feel better I'll use the safety harness I have for extra safety" "ugh, fine. Just fly safely" Bucky caved before getting in the car.

He pulled out of the hospital car park, Sam and Guinevere flew over him towards home, the brunette shook his head, "loves of my life" he spoke to himself as he continued driving.

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