Safe House Getaway pt 2

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Warning: slight mention of sex and swearing.

Bucky's POV

I woke up slowly, thin lines of light from the mostly closed blinds shining on my face, I was on my back in bed, my head felt like it has exploded, it was obviously from the mead last night. God, I haven't had a hangover in decades.

It took me a minute to notice the arm lying across my waist, oh god, please don't tell me I- on the left side of the bed, body bare, on his stomach with sheets covering his lower half, was no other than Sam Wilson. Oh fuck, James you idiot! You fucking idiot you absolute dumbass, you had sex with Samuel Thomas Wilson, you most likely confessed to him as well. Oh god you're such a moron!

Sam rolled over in his sleep, removing his arm from my waist, the perfect time to escape is now. I carefully left the bed, grabbed my clothes and left for my room. I got changed into sweatpants and a white t shirt. I went to the bathroom to find some painkillers for my headache.

I found some pills in the cupboards beneath the sink, I took two in my hand and downed them with water I cupped in my hands from the tap, slashing some on my face while I was at it. I looked in the mirror and noticed the hickeys on my neck going down below the collar of my shirt, I removed my shirt and took a look at my abdomen.

I was covered in purple marks, from my jawline to my hips, holy shit are those finger marks? With that, I started to remember last night, all of it came back in a flash.

He felt..... amazing.

Oh no.

I put my shirt back on and went downstairs to make breakfast, just something easy so I don't burn the safe house down.


Sam's POV

I smelt eggs and bacon, Bucky must be up, I sat up in bed and realized I was naked, then bang! The memories of last night came back, oh shit no, NO! This is not what I meant when I said we should get close!

But I'm not gonna lie, he was amazing.

It's gonna be awkward though, so I had to make a plan. I will go down act casual and bring it up nicely. Perfect, I got this. Do I? I get dressed and make my way downstairs where, sure enough, Bucky is cooking bacon and eggs in the luxurious kitchen.

I cleared my throat "morning" I said as he turned off the stove and moved the pan filled with eggs, "mornin', Sam" he replied, not looking at me, a very awkward atmosphere setting in, he plated his share of the food and sat at the counter, quietly eating. I plated my food and sat at the dinner table, not wanting to push it.

He finished before me, he placed his dish in the sink and went upstairs again, shit. He's avoiding me.

Bucky's POV

I'm avoiding him, I can't face this right now, a few days ago we would have thrown up if you told us we'd slept together. Maybe I should just hide away for the day, or go for a walk to clear my head, but that will risk him trying to talk to me-

*knock knock* "Barnes?"

Fuck, too late.

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