The Prince and The Soldier pt 10

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Big part 10!! Let's go! (Sorry for the republish I mixed up a few things and it interfered with what I wanted to do with the story so I had to change them)

Natalia and Steven were absolutely shocked when they were told the whole story, being protectors of the law they had to bring up the legality problem of their relationship, Sam just waved it off "I'll give him a royal pardon, and when I'm king I'll get rid of that law" that caused the group to laugh " alright, your highness. As long as you're both happy and treat eachother right."

"Oh, I'm very happy" Jamie said kissing Sam's temple, his left arm around Sam's back tenderly squeezing his shoulder. Sam smiled and looked at Jamie with adoration "I'm very happy too."

The Captain and Lieutenant exchanged looks and nods, Steven talked first "speaking of happiness and love" he said wrapping his arm around Natalia "me and the Captain would like to announce to just you two that we ourselves are in love" Natalia continued for him. Jamie was very surprised, Sam wasn't "I knew that, I saw you two kissing at the staff party!"

Steven ducked his head in embarrassment, Natalia chuckled at him. The four walked back to the castle and parted ways, Sam and Jamie walked slowly hand in hand towards their rooms, but before the pair parted, Sam gripped the brunettes hand, preventing him from leaving.

"This may seem fast but... I don't feel like doing anything else today, can we just... stay in my room today, just us?" The question was shy, innocent and adorable. So how could Jamie refuse? "Sure, lead the way."

Sam opened the door, still holding Jamie's hand as he lead them both in, the brunette closed the door behind them before pulling Sam into his arms, both men letting out breathy chuckles.

Jamie buried his face in the crook of Sam's neck, engulfing the shorter mans sweet scent into his lungs, his arms around Sam's waist and back holding him tightly and protectively against his own body.

Sam felt so safe, the way Jamie held him so close, his arms around him so securely, his breath and his whiskers ticking the Prince's neck.

Was this what love felt like?

He thought it was before, on that day in the training hall. It was nice, but it was just physical, this moment right now is emotional and unconditional as well as physical. This was it, this was finally love.

The hours of no sleep were quickly catching up with Jamie, Sam suggested they go to bed. They removed most of their clothes and got under the covers, they fell asleep cuddling.

Jamie woke up a few hours later, the sun was going down. Instead of being snuggled into his chest, Sam lay on his back next to him. The brunette turned on his side to face him, he gently ran his fingers over Sam's chest, tracing invisible lines and patterns on his almond skin.

He gazed at his man, he looked so peaceful. He almost didn't believe he was real, he leaned in and softly kissed Sam's cheek, "I promise you, Sammy, I will never let anyone hurt you. And I promise you this time, I'm not going anywhere" Jamie whispered gently to him.

He settled back down in the bed, slowly falling back to sleep. Jamie has never been so happy.


John Walker waited outside the gate were the Captain had posted him for the night, which was perfect for what he doing.

He heard a whistle in the bushes, that's the signal he reminded himself as he swiftly and quietly made his way towards the source of the noise.

"Psst! Walker!" John found Brock Rumlow hiding behind a tree, "ah, Rumlow, perfect. So what's the news?" The blonde asked the man, his face burns not entirely visible in the dark.

"The boss is planning an attack tomorrow night, I snooped around in disguise today and found out the Prince is having a staff party Saturday night, we'll storm the castle from the main door and separate the Prince from the rest of the crowd and take him out" John smiled at the plan, "what about James Barnes?" Brock chuckled with evil at the question. "Don't worry, conrad. The boss has plans for him."

Dun dun Dunnnnn!!!

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