Missing (Dad's pt 5)

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The fair was in town, Guinevere was beyond ecstatic. She begged and begged her Dads to take her until they finally caved, they packed day bags, put on sunscreen and hats, and set out to the fair.

Colorful rides and food stands as far as the eye can see, the late afternoon summer heat dying down slowly as the sun set. Guinevere walked between her fathers, Sam on the right, Bucky on the left. She held their hands so they both could keep track of her.

"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" Guiny asked tugging on Bucky hand to get his attention "sure sweetie, let's go" "yayy!"

Sam bought the tickets to the ferris wheel, the workers bolted the safety rail in and up they went, soon they were at the top looking over the fair, people families playing the rigged games together, groups of teens laughing, it was a happy site.

It reminded Bucky of his childhood, going to Coney Island with dates or with Steve, he turned to his husband with a sly smoulder, "you know, there's this thing I would do whenever I took someone on a ferris wheel" Sam raised his eyebrows, catching on to what the brunette was doing "and what would that be?" Sam asked.

Jamie placed his hand over Sam's that was resting on the back, "I would kiss them at the top" Sam eyes widened, gesturing to their child with a cock of the head, just a peck, c'mon Bucky mouthed earning an eyeroll from the love of his life he leaned in quickly to give him a short kiss.

After a while the sun went down leaving the place lit by giant sport lights, the couple only took their daughter on the chill rides because they knew the six year old wasn't ready for that. They got hotdogs and decided to go play the games.

Bucky gently held Guinevere's hand in his metal one, putting the last peice of his hotdog in his mouth, "which game should we play Guin-" Bucky looked down at where his child was supposed to be, she was gone.

"Guinevere?" Bucky looked around, as did Sam. "Where's Guiny?" Sam said, fast growing fear in his eyes, "I don't know, I was holding her hand, I looked down and she was gone" they frantically looked around for their daughter, not seeing her anywhere.

They both tried to stay calm, but the pair within seconds were ridden with panic, their little girl was missing. They split up, facetiming to keep contact. "I'm at the food stands, where are you?" Bucky asked his husband, eyes darting around for Guinevere.

"I'm going around the rides we did, still haven't seen her, meet me the ferris wheel and we will start looking together" Sam planned out, using his Captain America tone. "Okay, see you in a minute" Bucky agreed, hanging up the phone and making a beeline for the ferris wheel.

They met up as planned, and started walking around the entire fairgrounds, searching for their baby girl. Half an hour past, they were fearing the worst, they desperately asked around showing people a photo, hoping someone had seen her. To no avail.

Needless to say they were panicking, the bone chilling thought of what might happen to their baby if they don't find her. She could be dead already for all they know. They both felt like horrible parents, they should have watched her more closely, they let their attention be driven away, it ate at them severely.

"Excuse me, is everything okay?" A lady in a security guard uniform asked, her red hair in a neat bun. "No, we lost our daughter, we can't find her" Bucky explained, Sam tightly squeezing his hand. "Okay, what's her name and do have a photo of her?" The guard asked, Sam pulled out his phone and opened it to show a photo of Guiny.

"Her name's Guinevere Wilson Barnes, we lost her about forty minutes ago" the guard examined the photo and nodded. "I heard from another guard over walkies about a lost kid on the other side of the fair near the food stands, it could be her, follow me please" the couple followed her, hoping like hell it was their child.

They turned a corner, they were at the food stands, they looked for the other guard that was mentioned, the red headed women pointed in front of them, "over there, is that your daughter?" Sam and Bucky turned to wear the lady pointed to.

Out of the crowd was a slim man with jet black curls kneeling down in front of a child, that child had frizzy hair in a braid with mahogany skin wearing red striped shirt and blue shorts, it was Guinevere.

The couple wasted no time rushing to her, "Guiny!!" Sam yelled to her, Bucky yelled a thank you over his shoulder to the lady. Guinevere noticed her fathers running towards her, "Papa, Daddy!!" She screamed, Sam lifted his baby girl in his arms, she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, sobbing loudly. Bucky pulled his family into his arms, resting his head on the back of Guinevere's.

"Oh my baby I'm so sorry, so sorry. I'm here, bubba. We're here, your daddies have got you" Sam sweetly tried to assured his daughter, and himself.

The couple immediately decided to go home, thinking that was enough for one night. Sam carried Guiny in his strong arms back to the car, her head on his shoulder looking at Bucky who was walking protectively behind them.

They made it to the car, Sam buckled Guinevere into her booster seat and got in next to her, wanting to be near his daughter after tonight, the fear of the fact he could have lost her still waving over him.

It was silent all the way back home, Guinevere had fallen asleep, Sam carried her inside to take her to bed, "Papa?" "Yeah, bubba?" Sam answered her, "can I sleep with you and Daddy tonight?" She asked.

Sam didn't say no, he told Guiny to go get dressed for bed so he and Bucky could do the same. Once they were all done they got into the king sized bed, Guiny snuggling into the covers.

Sam and Bucky eventually fell asleep after Guinevere, relieved and grateful their child was safe and with them.

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