💋Kissy Prompts 3💋

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I love doing these so much.

Kiss Prompt: Breathless Kisses

It was Friday evening, Sam and Bucky had just moved into their own house in Louisiana, about two miles from his Sisters house where they planned to stay on the weekends starting tomorrow. The pair of lovers sat on the porch swing looking out at the scenery on front of them, green fields strecting out before meeting the sea, with the golden sunset to top it off.

Bucky took a deep sigh, a genuine smile on his face for ounce. Sam turned to look at his boyfriend, "you okay, baby? You've been quiet all day"  Sam asked and lightly squeezed Bucky's metal shoulder, Bucky smiles bigger and takes Sam's hand in his flesh one.

"Yeah, Sammy. I'm fine, I'm just... really, really happy. I've never felt so content, loved and cared for my whole life, this place, these people make me feel like I'm home, you're my home. You make me happy, thank you" a few tears slipped down Bucky's face, Sam moved quickly to wipe them away and cup his face in his hands, stroking his thumbs on Bucky's cheekbones, "you're welcome, Jamie. C'mon, let's go inside."

Sam lead Bucky inside the house by his wrists, the pair of lovers stumbled onto the grey couch in the living room, Sam on top of Bucky, needing closeness and affection from the other. They made out heavily, before needing to breathe but not wanting to stop kissing.

They shared short pecs between breaths and smiles, separating for split seconds before their lips met ounce again, filling the other with love, this went on for goodness knows how long, "okay, baby. That's enough for now, let's go to bed."

Me publishing twice in one day... That's different...

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