💋Kissy Prompts 4💋

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Prompt: dying kisses

Sam's POV

Being human you take advantage of everything, and then wish you could have protected it better and held onto it a little longer when it slips away.

Buck and I were sent to take care of some rising terrorists group which had plans to take over the government, typical motive. Unoriginal at this point if you ask me.

Me and Bucky busted down the doors of the abandoned warehouse, the group we were sent to detain turning their heads towards us in sinc, me and my partner dashed towards them as they grabbed their weapons, I opened my wings and knocked two unconscious while Bucky took on his own pair, knocking them both out with his arm.

I threw my shield and hit one last guy in the head, he too falling limp to the floor. "Good job, Buck" "you too, Cap" "let's tie 'em up and wait for the wagons to pick 'em up" Bucky nodded at the order and I turned my back to start moving the incapacitated bodies.

A gun shot went off, everything felt like it was in slow motion. I turned to see one guy who must've been hiding from the fight take off towards the door, I through my shield and it hit him in the upper back, he fell unconscious like everyone else and the shield came back to my arm.

"Bucky!" I shouted when I saw him, bleeding out on the concrete floor. He was shot in the stomach, I dashed to his side removing my cowel "oh my god, oh my god" I lifted his upper body into my arms, pressing the wound with my hand to try stop the bleeding, the crimson liquid oozed through my fingers, staining my suit but I don't care.

Third Person POV

"Sammy, baby I'm so sorry-" "no. No sweetheart. Don't start, you're gonna be okay, alright? Just stay here, the wagons will be here and they'll take you to the hospital, it's gonne be fine, okay?" The Captain rambled to him, his soldier cupped his cheek with a bloody hand, sharp and short breaths trying their best to keep the brunette alive "Sammy, you know that I love you, right? You know that?"

"Yes, I know- I know, baby. I love you too, just stay with here, with me. I love you, I love you so so much please don't leave me" Sam cried pressing his forehead to Buckys, he lifted his head to kiss Sam as he slowly lost consciousness, he barely brushed his lips against the brown eyed man's chin.

"Buck? Jamie? No, no no no no" Sam kissed Bucky, trying to keep him tethered to the earth, "no. No. stay awake-" he kissed him again, "no. Oh god, come back. Please, come back, look at me, honey. I'm right here" Sam sobbed loudly, gripping onto the love of his life tightly.

He heard sirens coming closer in the distance, not that he cared. He screamed out with anger and sadness, holding the limp body of the one he loved most.

Medics arrived with the wagons, they gently encouraged the Captain to hand over the body, he slowly let go of his Bucky. Watched with longing and emptiness as he followed the stretcher to the ambulance.

I haven't done much angst so I thought I'd take the opportunity.

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