Birthday (Dads pt 7)

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Happy late Birthday Bucky!!!! Y'know chronologically you're still dead but whatever.

Sam got up early, it was Bucky's birthday, and he wanted it to do something for him. He knew Bucky preferred a quiet birthday with family, so that's what he was going to do.

He made the batter for chocolate chip pancakes and got out some fruit to cut up, he carefully tiptoed back upstairs to wake Guinevere. The six year old was already stirring when he knocked on her door. They were teaching her about boundaries, letting her know that her room is her space and that shes allowed let anyone in and keep anyone out.

"Hi, Papa" she whispered quietly, still a bit sleepy. "Hey, bubba. Remember how we talked about the surprise for Daddy's birthday?" He asked her and she nodded, her silk hair bonnet almost off from her tossing and turning in the night.

Sam got her ready for the day, combing carefully through her hair, separating it into sections, and putting it in two neat braids. Remembering what Sarah and his mom taught him, "you good, bub?" He asked once he was done, "yep! Can we wake up Daddy now?" She turned and jumped a little, God she's so cute.

They carefully walked across the hall to the bedroom where Bucky was surprisingly still asleep. Sam watched as his daughter climbed up onto the bed and jumped on her father, knocking all the air out of him.

"Happy birthday Daddy!!" She yelled and wrapped her arms around the brunettes neck, "Ah- thank you, sweetie" Bucky was trying to hide the pain in his chest, but still hugged his daughter back and kissed her sweet face all over.

Sam just watched an laughed, grateful for his family. "C'mon you two, we need to make breakfast" Sam interrupts, Guinevere gets off and runs out while the brown eyed man moved in to kiss his husband. "Happy birthday, Handsome" his whispered to him when they separated.

Bucky smiled, full of love and contentment, "thank you, sweetheart." Sam leans in again for another peck, "get dressed and meet us downstairs" "aye aye, Captain" Sam leaves the room while Bucky gets up, gets changed out of his sleep clothes and goes to his family downstairs as instructed.

Guinevere was already pouring the batter in the non stick pan on the stove, (with help from Sam of course) he watched as he guided her with his hands, trying to keep Guinevere from burning herself.

"And we mus' remember to be careful around hot things, don't wanna get burnt now" Guinevere says as if she's in charge, even though that's something Bucky says to her all the time. Sam allows it, because it is just too cute.

Sam and Guinevere flip the pancakes while Bucky cuts the fruit, sharing glances every once in a while. When they were done they ate at the dining table and got ready to go to see Sarah and the boys.

"Happy birthday Uncle Bucky!!!" Cass and AJ said in sinc as they ran to give him a hug. "Thank you, guys" the brunette hugged them back before they dragged him and Guinevere inside, Sam laughing behind them.

"Hey, birthday boy! Come here" Sarah greeted while she pulled her brother in-law into a hug, he kissed her cheek and thanked her for the invitation to lunch. "C'mon, Guiny! Let's go play" AJ said before the three kids ran off outside giggling.

Despite it being his birthday, Bucky still helped prepare lunch, assembling sandwiches and making sure Guinevere's one didn't have tomatoes because she hates tomatoes. They heard a car pull up outside, "Lonnies here!" They hear Guinevere yell, causing all of them to laugh.

Lonnie continued to be friends with the Wilson-Barnes family after she gave birth to Guiny, she called her 'aunty' and everything. The little girl still didn't entirely understand that Lonnie's the one who birthed her, but she knows neither of her dads did it.

"Hey, sweetie. How you doing? Where's your daddies?" "They're inside!" "Okay, you go back to playing" Lonnie walked in with a bottle of cider and a plate of cookies for the kids.

"Hey everyone! Happy birthday Bucky!" Bucky stopped cutting sandwiches in half and gave his friend a hug and kiss on the cheek, "today just keeps getting better" he said very sincerely.

Lunch was ready, everyone ate on the outside patio, laughing and joking around. Then it was cake time, the song was sung, the candles were blown out, the chocolate cake with light blue buttercream was cut and shared around.

Bucky looked around at his family, Sarah and Lonnie were talking, Cass and AJ talked about to Guinevere about kid stuff while Sam helped Guiny cut her slice of cake.

He honestly couldn't be happier.

The afternoon rolls on, Guinevere asks if she can stay with Sarah for the night, they agree but don't tell her that it was already the plan. They grab the clothes they packed for her, thank Sarah a million times over for the lunch head on home.

When they got home it was 5:47pm. They looked at eachother, cheekily smiling. "We're home alone" Sam points out the obvious, leaning against the door. "We are" Bucky replies, leaning against a wall.

"I'm gonna take a shower" Sam walks passed Bucky and across the living room towards the bathroom, he looks back at his husband. "You joining me or what?" He asks and the brunette begins to walking down the hallway "I was waiting for you to ask."


Sam turned over in bed while Bucky snuggled into his side, he played with the brunettes hair, noticing a few grays coming through. Well I mean he's 115 now so it's no surprise.

"How was your day, baby?" He asked, looking down at his husband who moved to kiss his bare shoulder. "It couldn't have been more perfect, thank you."

Sam kissed Bucky's forehead, "you're welcome" he replied, continuing to run his hand through his hair. "Not just for today, for everything. All these years with you, with our daughter... are the happiest I've ever been" Sam wipes the single tear from Bucky's eyes and smiles "they've been that for me too, and we're only gonna have more. Hell, maybe in ten years I'll retire as Captain America and then it'll be just the three of us"

Bucky's brows furrowed, like he was thinking. "What about four?" He says, Sam looks confused "you want another kid?" "Yeah, would you like another kid?"

Sam thought for a moment, "yeah, I would love another kid, we'll talk about it more later" "okay."

They snuggle back down, eyes drifting to sleep. "I love you" Bucky whispered sweetly, "I love you too, Jamie."

This took way to long to write lmao. Anyway quick announcements, I'm going on a boat trip for 12 days with family and family friends so I probably won't post for a while.

Also The Prince and The Soldier won't be continuing on this book, in case you don't know there is a separate book that's just those chapters and if you want to see it through to the end that's where you need to go.

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