The Prince and The Soldier pt 5

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Oh boy y'all better buckle up for this one! A trigger warning is needed: self sabotage and self hatred, if that affects you in any way please read with caution or don't read it.

It all ended too soon when Jamie came to the horrible realization, he was a Knight, Sam is a Royal, they can't be like this. Its illegal for Knights assigned to personally guard a Royal to engage in intercourse with one.

He repeatedly hummed 'nah uh' into Sams mouth and shook his head, pushing the Prince off of his lap, the hums becoming words as they seperated "-no, no, no, no, no. We-" Jamie took a deep breath. Sam sitting back down on the grass next to him, "-we should head back."

The Prince looked at the Knight in disbelief, "why?" He asked, trying to get a sense on how Jamie was feeling, "the sun is going down, Cap and Lieutenant might start to worry" Jamie spoke in a rushed tone, he looked out to the horizon as Sam got up from the grass and walked away quickly.

Jamie just sat there, he didn't try to follow Sam, despite every fucking fiber of his being telling him to chase after the Prince and tell him how sorry he is, he can't do it.

To tell the truth, he didn't push Sam away because of the legality of it.

He would be disgusted if he knew, that's why you can't let him get close to you, you're a fucking monster.

Jamie was born into a terrible group of people, his father and his bandit comrades manipulated and brainwashed him, making him able to be controlled or they would've killed him, he was forced to commit countless murders. He and a few other of the bandits his age were assigned to assassinate a Lord in a far off land, they were under cover as knights in training, That's how he met Steve and Natalia. He knew this was his chance to escape, to serve under tye right side, to be good. He was safe, but the memories were still there.

It was dark when he arrived back at his old quarters instead of the nice room he'd been given, he lay down on the hard and uncomfortable mattress. Hoping to get an ounce of sleep, but his thoughts haunted him like ghosts, they repeated over and over again

You don't deserve his love.

You don't deserve his love.

You don't deserve his love.

He didn't deserve him, but god did he want him. He wanted to bask in Sam's heavenly presence, to hold him close and give him the love he deserves. But he can't, he'll ruin Sam, he'll hurt Sam, he'll break Sam. He doesn't want his Prince to feel pain, Jamie promised he'd protect Sam from pain, even if it meant pushing him away.

The morning came, he got out of bed and went to find Captain Steven, knowing he'd be awake already. He found the blonde in the armoury polishing his shield, "Captain, may I discuss something with you?" Steve looked up at his fellow Knight, "of course, James. What's up?" Jamie straightened his back as if he was preparing to be hit by a canon ball.

"I'm stepping down as the Prince's guard, Captain. I no longer feel fit for the job and the Prince deserves the best there is" Jamie said with a strained voice, Steve was slightly surprised but didn't ask the Sergeant any further questions as to why, "very well, James. If that's what you think is best for the Prince, me and the Lieutenant will assign him another guard by the end of the day."

James bowed his head at his superior, walked back to his quarters where he proceeded to have a breakdown. It's better this way, this way Sammy won't get hurt, no matter how much it hurts you.


Sam was awoken by a knock at his bedroom door, shit he thought as he got out of bed, rubbed his eyes and hid the pillow he was clutching, he opened the door to find Steve waiting for him.

"Good morning, Steve. What brings you here?" He asked his old friend, hoping he wouldn't notice his red eyes and tear stained face "I bring news, my Prince, James has backed down as your guard so me and Nattie will be assigning you a new one by the end of today."

Sam's heart shattered, he gave Steve a small smile and nod as a thank you before closing the door. The Prince started crying again, he fell back against the door and slid down to the wooden boards beneath him, Samuel you idiot, you scared him off, what made you think he would like you back? Why do you always ruin everything? You. Are. Pathetic.

His self worth had been deteriorating, another thing that developed due to all the preparing to become King, everyone said he would be great, but he didn't feel like it, he felt like he would let everyone down.

Sam spent a lot of the day alone in his room, either in bed staring at the ceiling, or out the window, today was a cloudy day, instead of sunshine their was rainfall. Symbolizing how Sam felt inside, he missed him. He missed Jamie so much.

Around 6pm, he fixed himself up to look at least presentable for dinner with his friends and new personal gaurd, he didn't know who they were, but there was only one way to find out.

He couldn't be completely bothered with his clothes so he just wore his white button-up with a dark blue vest and black pants. He made his way to the dining hall where Nat, Steve and another blonde man (presumably his new guard) were waiting for him.

"Good evening, you must me my new personal guard" Sam walked over to him to get a closer look, the blonde stood up and extended his hand, "John Walker, your highness. It's a
pleasure to meet you".

He stood tall, a five o'clock shadow growing on his face, blue eyes and blonde hair swooped to the side, he seemed strong and fierce. Enough to be a guard, but not quite enough, you get what I mean?

Sam felt a weird feeling inside, he didn't know what it was, but maybe it'll go away with time. Maybe.

Uh oh!!!! I'm leaving y'all hanging again muahahaha 😈😈 I was tempted to make the new guard Brock Rumlow but he was kinda the basic choice but I knew Walker would make more people mad, I'm really loving this story. Also I'm definitely not making this story a mix of Brigerton and Call Me Buy Your Name.. Nope, definitely not...

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