The Prince and The Soldier pt 11

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So much for soon. Haha. So quick fact about me I love classical music/ piano compositions so here's one that I think fits this chapter a lot.

Sam was awoken Thursday morning by a kiss on the nose, his eyes blinked open to see his Jamie laying on top of the covers next to him "good morning, my darling" Sam smiled, flustered by the nickname. "morning, Soldier" the Prince yawned while he sat up in bed.

He sat up in bed and stretched, "I got you fruit" Jamie announced getting the large wooden bowl from behind him, filled with grapes, mandarins and slices of oranges and apples.

They shared the bowl, feeding the fruit to eachother, exchanging kisses from time to time. Giggling like children until the last grape was gone. "so, what shall we do today?" Jamie asked as he rubbed the Prince's cheek with his thumb.

Sam shrugged "how about... we go on a horseback ride outside the castle grounds? I've been wanting to get out for a while" Jamie titled his head "I don't know, what if we run into-" "oh my God, you're so paranoid!" The brown eyed man teased "I am not, I'm just trying to keep you safe for the love of God!" The brunette replied defensively.

"I know, sweetheart. But there's been no bandit attacks since I got here, relax a little bit, c'mon please?" The brown eyed man asked, trying to make a cute face to convince his partner, the blue eyed man sighed "fine. But we go straight back if we run into anything suspicious, deal?"

"Deal" the pair agreed and shared a kiss to solidify it. Sam quickly got up from the bed to get dressed in his walk in wardrobe while Jamie lay on the bed, watching him leave with the excitement of a child, that's why he loved Sam so much. All his child like joy but still remaining down to earth and adventurous.

He too, got out of bed and put his clothes back on "I'm going down to my room to get some clean clothes, okay?" He informed Sam while buckling his belt up, "okay, we'll meet me at the stables!" Sam replied from inside the wardrobe.

"Alright" Jamie buttoning his shirt and exiting the room.


Sam opened the large wooden door to the stables, revealing several aligned stalls on either wall, stretching out roughly 50 meters. With beautiful, strong horses in each one. He strolled slowly down the hay covered pavement looking for one he could ride, he knew the ones that weren't battle steeds were down the back, so that's where he was heading.

In the second to last stall on the left, was a brown and white horse with a black halter on. A cute white mark oh her forehead.

He recognized the animal immediately "oh my god" he made his way fo the animal and gently brushed his back hand against the horses nose, "I remember you, Falcon, hello my girl, hello friend" Sam cooed to the majestic creature

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He recognized the animal immediately "oh my god" he made his way fo the animal and gently brushed his back hand against the horses nose, "I remember you, Falcon, hello my girl, hello friend" Sam cooed to the majestic creature. Scratching her chin and stroking her nose.

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