Vormir AU

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I had to do it... I'm sorry. (Also this doesn't take place in endgame and Sam is Captain America, like say in the future they have to retrieve the stones again for whatever reason).

Sam and Bucky landed on the planet to retrieve the soul stone, they saw a large mountain a few miles away, so they started walking towards it.

"Y'know, under different circumstances this would be totally awesome" Bucky spoke as the pair ascended. Sam, with his shield in hand, smiled and looked back at his man, "yeah, but unfortunately we need to take this seriously, so focus on walking, babe."

After an hour or so of uphill walking, they made it to the top, the pair looked around before they heard an echoey voice and pointed their weapons at whoever it was.

"Samuel, son of Paul. James, son of George. Welcome to Vormir" a cloaked floating figure hovered forward, Bucky felt scared when he figured out who it was, Redskull. Sam noticed and reached an arm back to hold the brunettes hand, "do not fear me, James. My ideals from that time are meaningless here. Consider me a guide to the soul stone which you seek."

"Alright, guide us to where it is and we'll be on our way" Sam ordered in his Captain voice, the cloaked Redskull chuckled, it was deep and frightening. "Ah, if only it were that easy" Sam looked back at Bucky, both had a confused look on their face.

Bucky stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the bottom "the stone's down there" he whispered to himself, a bad feeling welling up in his gut as Sam joined him by his side. "You are correct, Mr Barnes. But, to retrieve the soul stone, it demands a sacrifice, to obtain the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul for a soul."

Shit, Bucky thought as he turned to face Sam, the one he loves more than anything. He looks at him, in his red white and blue suit, shield in hand, looking so beautiful in the purple-blue atmosphere. Even in the face of death, Sam Wilson is the most beautiful man in the universe.


Sam is pacing back and forth in a line, Bucky is seated on a rock. "It can't be true, I mean we're dealing with a former Nazi he must be lying" Sam desperately tried to convince himself this wasn't happening, there had to be another way there just had to be!

"No, Clint left this mountain with the stone, but without Nat. It's not a coincidence" Sam stopped and looked out to the edge of the cliff "there has to be another way-" "there isn't, this is the only way" Bucky interrupted as he stood up from his rock.

"We need that stone to win, otherwise millions will suffer" the brunette reminded his Captain "I know, I know, Jamie. But I can't let this happen, we have to figure out something else" Sam grabbed Bucky by the shoulders, shaking him a little as he spoke.

The blue eyed man just chuckled, "you are unbearably optimistic, but I love you for it" he reached towards his man and pulled him into his body by the hips, their lips meeting softly. Both fearing what was to come.

Their foreheads made contact gently after their lips parted, "I think we both know who has to go over, Sammy" "yeah, we do" they agreed sadly, or so they thought.

A feeling that they were not on the same page crept up like a jump scare you know is coming but yet you're still not ready for it, they both stood back, Sam was the first to point it out "we're not thinking of the same person, are we?" Bucky's face melts into a sad smile.

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