The Prince and The Soldier pt 2

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"Is James new? I've never met him before" Sam asked as he and his friends walked through the castle at a slow pace, arms linked together, "yes, we met him a few years ago when our fathers were training Knights in a Kingdom far westward form here, he begged us to bring him back, he told us about his unfortunate childhood and that he needed to escape, thankfully my father was in a good mood that day" Steve answered, getting a chuckle out of Samuel.

"So, what kept you away for this long?  Its been- what? Like five years?" The red head chimed in, Sam stopped in his tracks "my parents are preparing me to become King, they figured it would be best I stayed away from here to prevent distractions" the red head and the blonde nodded in response.

"You're going to be amazing, Sam. The whole kingdom knows it" Natalia complimented her friend which made him smile, Samuel looked at Natalia with her sharp facial features, green eyes, plump lips and her braided fiery hair, he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, the lieutenant turned her head into it and smiled brightly.


The three friends and their way to the royal quarters were Steve and Natalia would leave Sam for the afternoon "Dinner will be at six, we will both be accompanying you, see you then, your majesty" Steve exclaimed to the Prince and walked away back down the hallway, leaving Samuel and Natalia.

"After today's attack, me and Steve would like to assign you a body gaurd while you're here-"

"Nattie you know I can-"

"-take care of yourself, I know, it's only for good measure, I wouldn't suggest if it wasn't necessary" the fiery woman was right, Samuel begrudgingly sighed and nodded "okay, as long as it's Sergeant Barnes and he joins us for dinner" Natalia nodded "deal".


It felt oddly nice for Samuel to dress himself, no one else in the room as he pulled on his white undershirt and buttoned up his black pattern vest and matching jacket, buttoning them up, pulling the sleeve frills and folding the collar just the way it should be.

It felt oddly nice for Samuel to dress himself, no one else in the room as he pulled on his white undershirt and buttoned up his black pattern vest and matching jacket, buttoning them up, pulling the sleeve frills and folding the collar just the w...

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He arrived in the dining hall where Steve and Natalia were waiting for him, but the handsome sergeant was no where to be found. "James is late if that's why you look so confused" Steve said as the Prince sat down. In his dark red coat with black lining, dress pants and white undershirt, topped up with gold buttons and his hair sleeked back.

Natalia looked just as exquisite, her gorgeous red hair in a simple braid sitting on her shoulder, in an elegant black dress with gold fern patterns on the abdomen and skirt

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Natalia looked just as exquisite, her gorgeous red hair in a simple braid sitting on her shoulder, in an elegant black dress with gold fern patterns on the abdomen and skirt. Her face decorated with light makeup highlighting her features.

The three friends sat at the long dinner table, Sam at the head and Steve and Nat on either side, the patiently waited for their forth dinner guest

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The three friends sat at the long dinner table, Sam at the head and Steve and Nat on either side, the patiently waited for their forth dinner guest.

The doors burst open to reveal James, in a simple white long sleeve with a thin black leather vest with matching pants "sorry I'm late, I lost my way" explained James and Steve nodded. "I must say I feel underdressed" the Sergeant let out a breathly chuckle, Prince Samuel waved him off, "you look amazing, don't let us blow your light out"

James smiled and diverted his gaze to his lap, clearly not used to compliments. A quartet of maids arrived in the dining hall with each of their plates, medium rare steak, boiled potatoes and vegetables, nothing too fancy like the prince requested.

The four dug into their dishes, silence fell upon the room, causing a thick awkwardness in the air, James placed his utensils on the table, "not that I am ungrateful, your highness, but may I ask why I'm here?" Natasha turned to her soldier "due to this mornings events, me and Captain Rogers figured it would be safer that his highness had a body gaurd, and he has selected you for the job" James eyes widened in shock.

"Why me, may I ask?" James' voice was shaky with his reply. The Prince smiled, "well, you did save my life, I'm sure you can keep that up" James grinned shyly at the praise and continued to eat.

Dinner proceeded in silence for the next fifteen minutes or so, everyone finished up before going their separate ways for the night, Samuel walked through the halls at a slow pace, he closed his eyes and hummed tunes to himself, pictures of random things in his mind, his parents, the horses in the stable, the art on the walls, James, the garden outside, James, the magnificent oak trees he saw during the carriage ride, James...... Again?

He didn't know what, but there was something about the handsome brunette that greatly intrigued him. He had an urge to get to know the man who saved his life, maybe he would find a friend in him.

Only time will tell. The Prince went to bed that night with happy thoughts and ideas on what he would do, he had a whole year after all.

Here's part two! Shorter this time haha. Hope you liked it!

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