Happy New Year

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11:46pm December 31st 2024.

Sam laughed at Carol's joke, patting his Co-Captain on the shoulder. It was New Year's, and after all the crazy things that happened, they were all ready to let it all go. So Pepper organized a party at the new Avengers Compound.

Sam left the circle he was in to go get a drink, he ordered a whiskey and leaned against the bar. He looked around, out on a balcony, overlooking New York from a far off distance, was Bucky.

He said he needed some space two hours before, Sam tried to check on him several times but could never find him, but now he'd finally done it.

He got his drink and walked over to his partner, "hey, Buck" Sam greeted, leaning against the rail on the right side of his friend. "Hey, you finally found me" the brunette huffed a short laugh. "What's wrong? You've been distant all night" Sam got straight to the point, Bucky said nothing, he just stares at the city lights miles away "you don't have to give all the details, just talk to me."

Sam got a little closer, Bucky felt it. He was terrified, for what he was thinking about could potentially change everything. "Um, well- y- you know the thing that people do at midnight on New Year's?" The Sergeant finally turned to look at his Captain, who furrow ed his eyebrows "yell 'Happy New Year'?" The brunette dropped his head on his arms in attempt to hide his laughter but failed as he snorted a little.

"No, no. Not that, what they do after that" Sam's eyebrows raised up, "oh, That" he realized, "you intrested in someone?" "Yeah, yeah I am." "Are they the reason you're out here?"

Bucky nodded at the almond skinned mans question, then he asked another "do I know them?" To which the brunette sighed and nodded, not wanting to do the annoying thing and list off every avenger present, Sam asks his third and final question, "what're they like?"

Bucky smiles before answering, gazing back at the city, "they're.... amazing. They'vedone things with me no one else has, things I never would have dreamed of doing. They helped me with so much, they validate my feelings and I validate theirs too. We are both messed up in our own way but... together we fix eachother.

And whenever I see them, I have to fight the urge to pull them close and kiss them, but I'm scared that if I do it'll ruin what we have and they'll end up drifting away."

It didn't take Sam long to realize that he was talking about him, despite being undeniably nervous, he shuffled closer and slowly but gently placed a hand on the brunettes flesh hand that was gripping the rail, "you don't have to worry about that, I'm not going anywhere" Bucky's eyes widened, he checked the time, 11:56pm.

They stayed like that for three minutes, hand in hand, staring into the distance. The midnight countdown began.

30, 29, 28, 27, 26!

"Sam?" Bucky broke the silence between them, the Captain turned his head to face him. "Yeah?" He responded, the Sergeant took a deep breath through his nose, preparing himself for whatever came next.

"Can I kiss you?" His voice a tiny whisper, Sam's voice eyes widened slightly. Bucky took that as a sign he was moving too fast so he tried to move his hand, but Sam tightened his grip.

16, 15, 14, 13, 12!

"I'd like that" Sam confirmed, his brown skin reflecting the moons blue light, the stars sparkled in his eyes. Bucky admired him before cupping his face in his hands, the other doing the same. He leaned forward.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Their lips met softly and shyly, brushing ever so gently. Bucky's arms moved down from Sam's face so he could wrap himself around the Captain's waist whose own arms draped over his shoulders, it felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from them.

They separated, foreheads meeting while letting out light breaths, "Happy New Year, James" Sam smiled, what a beautiful smile it was, it made the brunette slightly smile too. "Happy New Year, Samuel."

They left the party not long after, for they were both tired and wanted to leave the crowd. Bucky walked Sam to his room, arms linked, "this is me" the Captain pointed to his door.

Bucky nodded and their arms unlinked, "hey, so- uh. Since I confessed and we- y'know- kissed. I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?" He asked nervously which made Sam chuckle because of how adorable it was.

"Yeah, I'd like that, shall we plan it tomorrow?" Sam unlocked the door with his key as he answered. Bucky fumbled his hands "Yeah, that's a good idea."

Sam was about to close the door before the brunette stopped him "g- goodnight, Sam" he stuttered and Sam smiled at how nervous he was "more like goodmorning" the Captain joked and he closed the door.

Bucky walked to his room, but continued to stay awake for several hours because he could not believe that had happened.

It was looking to be a good year for the both of them.

Heyyyy I'm not dead! Happy new year everyone I hope it's not that shitty, hoping to get some more shots out soon!

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