Arrival (Dads pt 6)

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You've seen Sam and Bucky be amazing fathers to six year old Guinevere, but what was it like when she was born?

June 22nd, 2030

It was 4am, Lonnie woke up to a weird flowing sensation, she sat up as quick as she could with her protruding belly, moved her box braids over her shoulder and lifted the sheets.

Her water had broke, the baby was coming. Shit, better go wake up the fathers. She got out of bed, changed her pants and underwear and went across the hall to Sam and Bucky's room.

She shook Sam awake, "Lonnie, what's up? Is Baby okay?" Sam asked the surrogate mother of his child. "Baby is on their way, so get up. You're gonna be fathers" Sam immediately sprung into action, he woke up his husband with a tap on the leg "Baby's coming, baby. Wake up!" He didn't need to tell him twice.

Lonnie started having contractions, which Bucky tried his best to comfort her, they already had gotten all the things they needed together so when it was time to go to the hospital they were ready. The contractions got worse and closer together so they got in the car with all their stuff and began driving.

"If you expect another one after this you better buy me chardonnay first!" The poor woman yelled in pain as she squeezed Bucky's vibranium hand so she wouldn't crush his flesh one, God knows she could.

They made it to the hospital but had to spend the next hour waiting for a bed. By the time Lonnie was on a bed she was already five inches dilated, "God I can't believe this is happening, I mean we're gonna be parents, Sam what if I'm not ready? What if I'm a terrible father-" Bucky begins to panic, Sam quickly moves to his husband.

"Hey, hey, baby, baby what are you talking about? You're great with kids, and we did not spend so much time going to parenting classes and being on waiting lists for the past  two years to freak out now. We're ready, and what we need to focus on, is comforting Lonnie so she can bring our baby into the world, okay?" Sam strokes the brunettes shoulders, he nods "okay, I love you" "I love you too, Jamie."

The nurse comes in to check on Lonnies progress about half an hour later. "Alright, may I take a look?" Lonnies nods, gripping tight on both men's hands, Sam's wincing a little and Bucky's never felt more grateful for his metal arm. The nurse lifts up the hospital gown and- "oh my goodness, the baby is crowning!"

The room is filled with dropped jaws and wide eyes. No time to call the doctor, Lonnie needs to be moved, now. They make it to the delivery room and the doctor they've been seeing the entire nine months of the pregnancy runs into the room, ready to go.

"Alright, Lonnie. We ready to push?" Doctor Wheeler asks with her comforting, soft voice. Lonnie nods and takes a breath, Sam and Bucky kiss her forehead in thanks, they were so close to meeting their baby.

Lonnie starts to push, she tries so hard not to scream so she can use her energy for what's important, getting this damn baby out.

It took only forty five minutes of pushing before the room goes silent when a shrill scream burst out. "We have a beautiful little girl on our hands!!!" Doctor Wheeler announced to the three of them.

Lonnie drops her head back in exhaustion, Sam and Bucky are crying, the doctor cuts the cord, wraps up the little one and offers her to Sam first, he gladly takes her in his arms and holds her close.

"Hi there, We've been so excited to meet you. And you're a million times more beautiful than we could ever imagine."

They moved to yet another room so poor Lonnie could get some rest, Sam and Bucky sat in the corner of the room, the mahogany skinned man still holding the baby. Her eyes opened, and the two men gasped softly "awww hello, hi baby, we're your Daddies" Sam whispers to her sweetly.

Bucky has his flesh arm under the bundle, his hand squeezing Sam's elbow, his metal arm is over Sam's shoulders. He doesn't speak, he just holds his family dearly, promising himself to protect them, no matter what pain and suffering he'd have to go through. "I love her, I love you both" Bucky finally speaks and kisses his husband on the cheek and his daughter on the head.

She whimpers and Sam turns to the man he loves, "you should hold her, I think she wants you" Bucky looks at the tiny baby, he's not nervous about hurting her like he thought he would be, so he positioned himself so Sam could carefully place the bundle of joy in his arms.

She's so tiny, and light, and adorable. Bucky is losing his mind, how can something be so little and precious??? He just can't even begin to comprehend it, "oh my God, you're so... little" Sam chuckles and kisses the back of Bucky's head. "She looks like you" Bucky begins to cry, Sam now holding the both of them.

Nothing could top this, this feeling of pure unbridled joy and love that flowed between the couple. "Now what are we gonna name you? What did we have in mind again?" Bucky lifts his head up in question.

They had a few ideas throughout the pregnancy, since all the masculine names were out of the question their feminine and neutral names were the final contenders.

"So we agreed Darlene for the middle name, but what goes with Darlene?" Sam thought out loud and they went through each name, none of them worked.

By this time Lonnie was up, she offered a suggestion "how about we give her my middle name?" "Oh I like that idea, what is it?" Bucky asked, gently rocking the baby.

"It's Guinevere" Lonnie answered, words slightly slurred because she was still tired. The couple looked at eachother, then their baby. "Guinevere Darlene Wilson Barnes, it's a mouthful but I like it. How 'bout you, Jamie?" He nodded "yeah, I do like that."

"Hi Guinevere, welcome to the world."

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