Safe House Getaway (republished)

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Apologies for the republish, this and the next chapter were causing problems so I tried to fix them but it didn't work so now were here.

The title sounds like a weird rom-com mixed with action movie... Meh, lets roll with it. Tw: alcohol, drunkenness, slight smut and mentions of sex.

The mission went horribly, it was diastres even. They got the Intel they needed, the targets were captured, they got what they needed to do done. But at what cause?

The targets were two leaders of a criminal organization. Sam and Bucky were sent to capture them, they were so dangerous they had to be put on The Raft. What they didn't know was most if not all their recruits were former insane asylum patients and had been taking Pervitin, the earliest form of meth used by the fucking Nazis in WWII to stay awake during battle.

How they got it and why it was necessary for them to take it? They don't know or care. What they do know is a bunch of scattered asylum patients on drugs were coming for them and they had to escape.

Sam and Bucky were being sent to a safe house in the Italian countryside, they were given fake ID's to cover up the whole Avenger thing. The safe house was located on a large and extremely private property (owned by Tony Stark of course), no one allowed in or out without the exclusive key card. Ooooo fancy.

"Okay, you two be good. No killing each other" Nick Fury ordered with that same old stone cold tone he has over the flip phone Sam had on speaker, "yes sir" the pair of co-workers said in sync before Sam dropped the phone and crushed it with his boot.

The pair picked up their small bags, having psychos after them and little time to pack that's all they had. Fury promised he get them sent more clothes since no one knew how long they'd be there, quite the predicament, huh?

Sam's POV

It's a weird thing to say but I'm totally fine with being chased by a group of druged psychos and being sent to a safe house, dealing with Barnes is what I'm worried about.

The dude's a complete asshole, he doesn't co-operate, he's always thinking with his fists and he never talks to me, or anyone for that matter! How am I going to last several weeks or months with this guy when he's so damn handsome- wait, what? No, no, no, nope. I don't like him, I don't! I hate him and his hermit personality.

Anyway, we went on a plane to Italy where we were picked up by some agent who then lead us to a helicopter, we loaded our bags into a compartment in the back and buckle in before the agent took off.

We flew for about two and a half hours over green feilds and a small town, then some more green feilds until we were practically in the middle of nowhere. No houses around for miles, apart from one, which was obviously the safe house.

Five minutes later, we landed. The roters spun over our heads as we grabbed our bags and walked far away from the helicopter before it took off again. Leaving us there.

The house was very nice, a relatively large Villa with soft colors, a concrete deck with plants, wooden doors and window frames, also a balcony, very nice. it stood on top of a hill overlooking the vast feilds all the way to the majestic mountain range several miles away.

Bucky and I stepped into the house and looked around for a bit the place was amazing, tiles and furniture fitting the aura of the house, I found a room and claimed it for myself by placing my bag in the corner, the draws were full of clothes my si...

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Bucky and I stepped into the house and looked around for a bit the place was amazing, tiles and furniture fitting the aura of the house, I found a room and claimed it for myself by placing my bag in the corner, the draws were full of clothes my size like promised, I could hear Bucky walking outside in the hallway, probably looking for his own room.

I removed my shirt and shoes leaving me in my tank top and running shorts, I really needed a nap so I lay down and rested my eyes.

Bucky's POV

I placed my bag down in my room, hands on my hips, it was nice, too nice. I'll probably just end up on the floor like always. Which is fine, I guess.

It's the fact I have to deal with Wilson for an uncertain amount of time, he's always in my face, trying to get me to talk, he's so annoying and he's soooooo fucking hot- wait what? Why would you- no, no, no, nope. I don't like him, I don't! I hate him and his reckless personality.

Third Person POV

Sam and Bucky met up a few hours later in the kitchen, by the time they both ate it was nearly dark out, not a word was shared between them, the pair sat awkwardly on the stools in front of the countertop, Sam hated it, he had to end it. Now.

"Hey, look man. I know we hate each other and everything but I think this is a great opportunity to get to know each other better, so... you wanna get drunk?" The brown eyed man cocked an eyebrow at the brunette, "may I remind you I'm a super soldier? I can't get drunk" Sam rubbed his hands together and stood from his stool.

"Maybe on regular alcohol you can't, but have you tried some of Thor's Asgardian mead?" Bucky's brows knitted together "why's that there?" Sam shrugged "Tony must've stolen it or something" the brunette huffed a chuckle at that, "yeah, I guess so".


Bucky downed his first shot glass of mead while Sam had Tequila, they both winced at the sting of alcohol on their tongues, Bucky even slapped the table. "Woah! You know I can actually feel it taking effect!" Bucky yelled over the loud 1970s music they were playing.

'Drink again, I wanna see what Bucky Barnes is like when he's drunk" Sam poured the super soldier some more mead in a bigger glass this time, the brunette accepted it with a smile.

After about half an hour of drinking, they were both hammered, laughing like idiots and talking absolute nonsense to each other, Sam wheezed between his words "okay, okay, tell me somethin' you've never told anyone" Bucky held the empty shot glass to his forehead, thinking for a moment.

"I'm gay, I like men, and I like you" Bucky slurred, Sam's eyes widened, then he laughed "ahaha, I'm bi and I like you too, ya asshole".

Without a second thought, Bucky pulled Sam into him, smashing their faces together in a sloppy kiss. They grabbed at each other arms and hips, standing up together from the stools, Sam dominated the kiss and pushed Bucky against a wall, heavily making out, tongues dancing, Bucky's arms around Sam's neck and Sam's around Bucky's waist.

Bucky moaned into Sam's mouth, they started taking breathers between pecks "Sam- Sammy, I want you-" Bucky was cut off, Sam hummed against the brunettes lips, "well, how 'bout we take this to my room then?" Bucky licked his lips, nodding at the almond skinned man's offer, taking in how he glowed in the warm light that filled the room.

Sam grabbed the brunettes metal hand and pulled him upstairs, they stumbled up the stairs and made it to Sam's room, when the door was closed Bucky was pinned against it, their lips reconnecting before The brown eyes man pulled the blue eyed man to his bed, removing his shirt before climbing on top of Bucky.

Well, looks like we have another series on our hands!

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